

【作者】 李燕

【导师】 王德志;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 法律, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,我国法学界对公民受教育权问题的研究逐渐深化。从总体上看,对受教育权的概念、性质、价值等基本问题的研究已较为系统,但受教育权的救济制度在立法上规定简单,没有形成体系,在理论上较少论及,以至于受教育权缺损时要想得到救济困难重重。因此,本文在分析受教育权的基本问题基础上,主要对受教育权行政救济问题进行研究,以期有所裨益。 本文首先从本体论的角度明确受教育权的概念、性质和内容。受教育权是一项基本人权,在本质上是宪法权利,同时还是被教育法具体化的法律权利,由受教育机会权、受教育条件权和受教育成功权三种权利及其子权利构成。 在宪法救济渠道缺失的情况下,我国对受教育权的救济主要依靠行政救济来实现,受教育权行政救济是对行政权力侵犯公民受教育权所造成的损害给予补救的法律制度的总称,它遵循“有权利、必有救济”等五项原则。不论是作为宪法权利还是法律权利,受教育权都具有可诉性。侵害受教育权的行政主体不仅指行政机关,也包括公立学校。 研究受教育权行政救济,必须首先理清学校与学生之间的法律关系。认定两者之间关系的理论主要有特别权力关系理论和教育契约关系理论。我国学校与学生的关系主要是教育管理关系,这是一种特别的行政管理关系。为达到学校教育管理权与学生受教育权之间的平衡,教育管理权应受到基本人权保障原则、法律保留原则和司法最终原则的限制,认定学校学生管理制度的效力要坚持合法性和合理性标准,学校处分权要正当行使。 我国法律规定的受教育权行政救济途径有申诉、行政复议和行政诉讼三种,但均不系统、不完善,建立多元化的、多样性的、整体上协调一致的受教育权行政救济体系,是加强受教育权保护的必然要求。其中,听证程序提供事前和事中救济,学生申诉和教育行政复议是教育行政诉讼的前置程序,教育行政诉讼是受教育权行政救济的最终途径。此外,建立教育行政仲裁制度以化解特定纠纷,建立教育行政赔偿制度以赔偿受教育权缺损的财产损失和精神损失。 本文以马克思主义唯物辩证法和历史唯物论做为总的指导思想和基本方法论,具体运用历史分析、比较分析、个案分析和理论联系实际等方法。

【Abstract】 The citizens’ rights to receive education in the field of jurisprudence have been deepened recent years. In general, the study of basic problems on the definition, character and value of RRE has been systematized, while because the system of remedy for the RRE isn’t perfect and systematic in legislation and theory, it’s hard to gain remedy when infringement of the RRE occurs. This text makes an attempt to study the AR of RRE based on the analysis of basic problems on the RRE in the hope of throwing some light on theory and practice.The text expounds the definition, character and content of the RRE from the view of noumenon in the first part. The RRE is fundamental right of citizens, which belongs to CR naturally and law power concretized by the law of education, consisting of "opportunity right of education" " condition right of education" "success right of education" and their subsidiary rights.The remedy of the RRE mainly depends on AR on the condition of the lack of constitution remedy in China. AR of the RRE is the general term for remedy law system directing against administrative power infringes the RRE, which abides by five principles, for example, the principle " Own right, enjoy remedy". No matter as CR or law right RRE can be prosecuted. The subjects of administration involve administrative department and public school.It is necessary to make the relationship on law between student and school clear to study AR of the RRE, which can be indicated by the theory of " Special power relation" and "Educational contract relation". The relationship between student and school is mainly educational management one, also a special relationship of administrative management. In order to keep the balance between the power of educational management and student’ right to receive education the power of educational management must be restricted by principle of fundamental right, principle of law retention and principle of judicature ultimatum, management effect for students in school insists rational and legal standard, moreover, right of punishment should be performed legitimately.The AR of the RRE ruled by law in China can be fulfilled by means of appeal, administrative reconsideration and administrative litigation. However, in view of the poorpractical condition in China it becomes an inevitable and necessary requirement protecting the RRE to establish the SAR, in which hearing prbcedure provides remedy before and during the case. Student’s appeal and administrative reconsideration of education are fore procedures of administrative litigation, meanwhile, administrative litigation of education is the final approach of administrative remedy of education, besides it necessary to establish arbitration system of education to resolve special issue and establish remedy system on educational administration to pay for material and mental loss caused by infringement of the RRE.The text follows Marxism materialist dialectics , historical materialism and applies methods of historical analysis, comparative, case analysis and integrating theory with practice, ect

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 07期
  • 【分类号】D922.1
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】650

