

The Research on E-Goverment Secrecy Management in HengShui

【作者】 孙汝志

【导师】 陈富赞; 谭琳;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 公共管理, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,电子政务系统多次发生泄密事件,给社会造成重大损失,保密管理形势异常严峻。我国的电子政务建设还有很多理论和实践问题没有得到很好的解决,信息安全保密问题是电子政务建设和应用中必须解决的重大问题之一,急需对电子政务安全保密体制和安全策略认真研究,提出改进建议和措施。本文第一部分简要介绍了电子政务保密管理工作的研究背景和国内外研究进展情况,为以后各章做准备。第二部分对电子政务和保密工作的基本知识进行了论述,列举了在电子政务中常见的泄密渠道。第三部分对衡水市电子政务保密管理工作进行了较为详尽分析,叙述了衡水市的管理现状和在保密管理工作中采取的措施,对存在的泄密隐患和问题进行了总结归纳,并研究分析了存在问题的根源。第四部分是本文重点。首先对衡水市电子政务保密管理工作提出具体改进措施和现代信息技术在保密管理工作的运用。其次是提出发展衡水市电子政务保密管理工作新策略。最后从宏观的角度对发展我国电子政务保密管理工作提出改进建议。本文作者一直在保密部门工作,对电子政务保密管理工作进行了深入广泛调查了解,提出的问题和建议均来自工作实践,具有一定的针对性和代表性,本文的研究工作在电子政务及其他信息系统的安全领域具有一定的理论和实用价值。

【Abstract】 In recent years, the divulgence in E-Goverment administrationsecurity system has made our society suffered great losses. So the Secrecymanagement status is more and more serious. There are many problems intheory and practice pending to be resolved in the course of theconstruction of the E-Goverment administratrion. The infromationsecurity is one of them. The studies in the corresponding security systemand policy is urgently needed so that some improving measures can beraised.Part I of the paper, as the foreshadow of the forthcoming parts,briefly introduces the background of the E-Goverment Secrecy managementand the overseas research status. Part II elaborates the basic knowledgeof the E-Goverment Secrecy management and lists some general ways ofdivulgence. Part III of the paper is a detailed analyzation of theE-Goverment Secrecy management in HengShui. Both the current managementstatus and the adopted measures in practice are included. Part IV is thecenter of the paper. First, some specific measures for improving theE-Goverment Secrecy management in HengShui are raised and how to applythe modern information technology to this work is also explained here.Second, a few new tactics for developing the E-Goverment Secrecymanagement in HengShui are raised. Finally, some improvement proposalsare put forward from the maroscopic point of view to our country.The author has been working in the Secrecy department for years andconducting extensive studies in the E-Goverment Secrecy management soit is granted that all the problems and advices raised in this paper comefrom practice and shall be directive and representative. This paper isof great theorietic and practical value in the security management studyof E-Goverment administration and other information system.

【关键词】 电子政务保密信息安全泄密
【Key words】 E-GovermentSecrecyInformation SecurityDivulgence
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 08期
  • 【分类号】D631.31;D67
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】221

