

The Research on Synergy Problems in Virtual Distribution

【作者】 金蝶

【导师】 刘仲英;

【作者基本信息】 同济大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 协同关系是现代企业之间越来越追求的一种合作关系。协同体现了成员之间的深度合作,以追求和创造协同效益为目的。虚拟企业是一种特殊的、先进的企业组织形式,它为成员企业之间建立协同关系提供了良好的基础。在协同思想的指引下,虚拟企业运营过程中成员之间在保持独立性、自主性的同时,追求的一种双赢的合作状态。虚拟配送理论是将虚拟企业思想运用在物流配送中,不同的配送成员企业为了资源互补等原因走到一起,他们是否有可能协同,如何实现协同是本文研究的重点,文章试图通过这一研究,对虚拟配送成员在运营过程中的协同关系提供一定的参考。 本文的研究从四个方面展开。 首先,在深入分析企业成员参与协同的动机的基础之上,结合配送服务的市场特点,给出了虚拟配送企业协同的协同动机,并基于动机提出了虚拟配送的协同目标模型。 第二,对虚拟配送成员的纵向协同——由运输、仓储、加工型企业构成的虚拟配送过程协同进行了探讨。利用业务过程描述工具Petri网、协同点模型,以及EPS规则的逻辑语言,分析了在配送过程中三个企业应当如何进行业务协同。为配送企业成员之间建立基于过程服务的协同关系提供了参考。 第三,对虚拟配送成员的横向协同——由不同的配送中心构成的虚拟配送资源协同进行了探讨。在基于最优化的目标下,通过数学模型,给出了完全不协同、一体化内部协同、以及企业之间协同情况下的优化结果。通过与前两个极端情况的比较分析,揭示企业之间资源协同的价值,并揭示促成资源协同的一些激励方式。 第四,为保证成员企业协同合作后得到更多的协同效益,本文从两方面进行讨论。一方面给出协同的成本和风险,以及控制成分和风险的机制;另一方面从协同效益的特点入手,提出监控每个环节的重要性和协同的考核方式,以及协同效益合理分配和成员关系要素对产生协同效益的影响。 最后,笔者总结了全文的主要内容并对今后的研究进行了展望。

【Abstract】 Modern organizations are more and more pursuing the synergetic relationships with other organizations. Synergetic relationships make the organizations collaborate more smoothly and deeply. The partners could gain synergetic benefit which could not be gained without building the synergetic relationships. Virtual Organization theory provides a suitable environment for members to build synergetic relationship and work synergistically. The members could freely collaborate with each other while keeping their own independence. Virtual distribution theory is an application of virtual organization theory in distribution industry. How the members in the virtual distribution organization build their synergetic relationships and perusing the synergetic benefit are the purpose of this thesis.The thesis is mainly composed of four parts.In the first part, the incentive of the normal organization synergy is analyzed. And the incentive for members in virtual distribution to synergy is pointed out. On the basis of that, the objective model is introduced.The second part focuses on vertical synergy. In this part, the business process of difference members is introduced, and the vision of the whole process is also proposed. Then, by the famous theory of synergetic point which is first given by Olivier Perrin, the synergetic point of virtual distribution process is discussed.In the third part the horizontal synergy is discussed. In order to gain the optimal benefit, different systems get different result. The study on comparing the different optimal results revealed the value of horizontal synergy.In the fourth part, the cost, risk and the benefit of synergy is discussed. of synergy . Further more, in order to insure the benefit of synergy, a performance control method of synergetic work is proposed and the effective factors are discussed.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 同济大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 08期
  • 【分类号】F224
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】219

