

Study on the Development of Medical Facilities and the Hospitals’ Spatial Layout in Hangzhou

【作者】 刘兆文

【导师】 李王鸣;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 城市规划与设计, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 杭州市是国际风景旅游城市,已实现人民生活由温饱向小康的跨越,进入全面建设更加宽裕的小康社会,朝着提前基本实现现代化大步迈进的新阶段。实现卫生现代化是经济社会发展和现代化建设的必然要求。根据浙江建设文化大省的决策出台,杭州提出创建“历史文化名城和四个强市”,“卫生强市”的建设对卫生事业的发展提出了更新更高的要求。另一方面,随着经济的发展和社会的进步,人民生活水平不断提高,并向现代生活方式转变,对于居住环境和生活品质的追求日益注重,日趋强调经济和社会发展同步协调、相互促进。然而在经济高速发展的背景下,医疗卫生设施却没有得到相应的发展速度,从而造成了医疗卫生设施的相对缺乏,引起市民的看病难问题。目前,杭州的“看病难”问题已经成为了住房难、行路难、停车难等七大问题之一,面临了比较严峻的形势。而且,我国已于1999年成为老年型国家,人口老龄化对医疗卫生保健的依赖加强。针对这种情况,本文探讨了杭州市区医疗设施的发展和作为医疗设施主要形式医院的空间布局,针对出现的问题,提出解决的对策措施。 本文分为四大部分七个章节: 第一部分包括第1章和第2章,提出本次研究的背景、意义及研究框架,回顾总结了相关的理论研究,并对“医疗设施”等相关概念进行进一步的探讨,搭建本次研究的理论平台; 第二部分为第3章、第4章和第5章,分别以杭州市区医疗设施供给能力以及市民需求和满意度两方面的调查为依据,对杭州市区医疗设施现状发展及医院空间布局特征进行描述,并从这两方面出发,在第一部分理论研究和现状特征的基础上,对医疗设施供给、医院服务需求和医院空间布局中存在的问题及医院空间布局影响因素进行了分析; 第三部分为第6章和第7章,以前面两方面的系统化分析论证为基础,提出医疗设施发展对策与完善杭州市医院空间布局思路,同时进行工作展望,指出继续研究的方向。

【Abstract】 Hangzhou is an international tourism city. It has entered a new period that the historic progress of people living from adequate food clothing to well-off has come true, to construct a more affluent well-off society comprehensively, it stride forward towards to earlly realizing modernization. It is necessary to realize medical modernization in social and economic progress and modernization. Based on the decision of building a strong cultural province in Zhejiang, Hangzhou advocates creating "historical and cultural city and four strong city". The construction of "strong medical city" present newer and higher demands to develop medical undertaking. On the other hand, with the development of economic and social, the people living standard has gradually improved and the life style has converted into a modern one. Based on this, there is increasingly focused on pursuing living environment and quality of life and more emphasizing the simultaneous promoting and mutual coordination of economic and social development. However, under the context of rapid economic development, medical facilities haven’t arrived a corresponding growth rate. Thus it led to a relative lack of medical facilities and the problem of "treatment difficult/’ for citizens. At present, the issue of treatment difficulty has faced a relatively flinty situation and has become one of seven significant issues, such as "housing difficulty, travel difficulty and parking difficulty" in Hangzhou. Futhermore, China has become an older country in 1999. It has strengthed for population ageing to rely on medical care. According to the situation, this paper discusses the development of medical facilities and the spatial layout of hospitals in Hangzhou city, and then some countermeasures have been put forward.This paper includes 4 parts and 7 chapters.The first and second chapters are in the first part, they talk about the background, significance and research structure of this paper, review the relatived theory and talk more deeply about the concepts of "medical facility" and so on. They are the theory platform.The third, fourth and fifth chapters are in the second part, based on the investigations on the supply capacity of medical facility and the needs and satisfaction of citizens, which describes the actuality and development of medical facility and the spatial layout and the services demand of hospitals in Hangzhou city. It is on the theory platform of the first part and actuality characteristics that this chapter analyses problems in the medical facility supply and spatial layout of hospitals, and the factors in the hospitals’ spatial layout.The sixth and seventh chapters are in the last part. It brings out the strategy of development and medical facility and the guidelines to hospitals’ spatial layout in Hangzhou city, on the first two parts as a base and also looks forward to find the direction of further researches.

【关键词】 杭州医疗设施发展医院空间布局
【Key words】 Hangzhoumedical facilitydevelopmenthospitalspatial layout
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 06期
  • 【分类号】TU984.18
  • 【被引频次】15
  • 【下载频次】785

