

Research on Subspan Oscillation of Multi-conductor Bundles on Transmission Lines

【作者】 冯学斌

【导师】 王藏柱;

【作者基本信息】 华北电力大学(河北) , 机械设计及理论, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 随着电网规模越来越庞大,电压等级越来越高,如何有效、安全、可靠地提高输送能力,是我国电网面临的一个主要问题。目前输送电容量不断增大,为了减少电晕损失和电晕干扰,同时为了输电线路的经济性和可靠性,输电线路广泛采用多分裂导线。次档距振荡是分裂导线所特有的一种导线振动形式。因次档距振荡而导致的分裂导线破坏问题己经成为一个影响电网安全运行的关键问题。因此,本文主要对输电线路多分裂导线次档距振荡进行研究分析。分析了次档距振荡的机理,并给出了几种防振措施;对阻尼间隔棒抑制次档距振荡进行机理分析;给出了阻尼间隔棒安装距离的优化布置方案,并得出最优的结果;对该方案进行计算和试验评估。得到了很好的计算结果,试验验证可以用于工程。最后开发了一套阻尼间隔棒布置方式及其设计计算软件,方便设计人员使用。

【Abstract】 Modern extra high voltage (EHV) and ultra high voltage (UHV) networks requirefaults to be cleared rapidly and selectively as an effective method to increase powertransfer and improve transient stability. The increase of the transmission volumecontinuous to augment and to decrease the corona loss and corona interfere;and considerto the economy and the reliability, bundled conductors are adopted. Subspan oscillationsare a special vibration type to bundled conductor lines. It becomes an urgent problem tostudy the influence of subspan oscillations to disruption of bundled transmission line.Hence, the paper is mainly focused on the analysis of the subspan oscillation tobundled conductors in transmission lines. The mechanics of subspan oscillation areanalyzedand put forward some antivibration method;the mechanics of anti-subspanoscillations of spacer dampers;the spacer dampers of subspan positioning;and a seriesof experiments have been carried on to test result calculated, which is validated to bereasonable and can be used in the real project. Finally, a suit of calculation andemulation software was developed to facilitate the designers.

  • 【分类号】TM755
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】369

