

Effects of Rhodopseudomonas Additive on Production Performances of Swine and Pigsty Environment

【作者】 马光辉

【导师】 张彬; 陈兆祥;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 动物营养与饲料科学, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 选择200头杜长大三元杂交猪,随机分为试验组和对照组,2组猪的饲粮相同,试验组猪的日粮另外添加了饲用红假单孢菌,以研究饲用红假单孢菌对猪生长发育、饲料报酬、成活率和抗病力的作用以及对养猪环境和经济效益的影响。结果表明:对照组成活率为92%,试验组成活率高达98%;试验组存栏时间为125天,而对照组存栏时间为145天,试验组提前20天出栏;试验组的料肉比为2.51,而对照组的料肉比为2.94;试验组猪粪中的氨的浓度比对照组降低92.10%;试验组猪粪中亚硝酸盐的含量也比对照组降低73.02%;试验组猪粪中磷酸盐的含量比对照组低86.40%;试验组的猪粪略偏碱性,说明试验组猪粪中二氧化碳的含量较低,而对照组猪粪显著偏酸,说明猪粪中的二氧化碳的含量较高。试验组所获得的毛利润为12266元,而对照组所获得的毛利润为3582.8元,试验组经济效益比对照组提高242.36%。疫病普查结果显示,试验组的98份血清样品中,猪圆环病毒病血清抗体阳性样品21份、蓝耳病血清抗体阳性样品29份、猪伪狂犬病血清抗体阳性样品10份和猪传染性胸膜肺炎血清抗体阳性样品35份,而对照组的92份血清样品中,猪圆环病毒病血清抗体阳性样品63份、蓝耳病血清抗体阳性样品59份、猪伪狂犬病血清抗体阳性样品33份和猪传染性胸膜肺炎血清抗体阳性样品73份。本次试验的结果说明:在猪日粮中添加红假单孢菌有较为明显的净化环境、促进生长和防疫的作用,还能使养猪效益大幅度上升。因此,可饲用的红假单孢菌是一种优良的猪饲料添加剂,具有极其广阔的应用前景。

【Abstract】 200 DLY (Duroc×Landrace×Yorkshire) swines were divided into two groups ad libitum. The test group was fed with basal diets in which Rhodopseudomonas was added to determine the effect of Rhodopseudomonas on the growth and development, feed/gain, survival rate and the capability against disease in the swines, meanwhile, the effect on the capability of cleansing environment and enhanceing economic benefit in breeding swine was also studied. The results showed that the average day gain,the survival rate,the time on hand and the feed/gain of the test and control groups was 710g and 600g, 98% and 92%, 125 days and 145 days, 2.51 and 2.94,respectively.’ Compared with control group, the concentration of the ammonia in test group swines waste decreased by 92.10% and the content of the nitrite and phosphate in test group swines waste decreased by 73.02% and 86.40%, respectively. The waste of the test group swines’ was partial to alkalescence,while the control group swines’ was partial to acidity ,which indicated that the content of the CO2 in the waste of the test group swines’ was higher, compared with the control group. The gross profit of the test group swines was 12266Y,while the control group’ was 3582.8Y,which was increased by 242.36%,compared with the control group. The epidemic disease survey showed that the serum antibodies agaist Porcine circovirus, Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome(PRRS), Porcine pseudorabies and Porcine pleuropneumonia in the 98 samples withdrawed from test group swines in which serum antibodies against Porcine circovirus, Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome(PRRS), Porcine pseudorabies and Porcine pleuropneumonia showed positive was 21,29,10 and 35, while the amount of samples of the the 92 samples withdrawed from control group swines in which serum antibodies against Porcine circovirus, Porcine Reproductiveand Respiratory Syndrome(PRRS), Porcine pseudorabies and Porcine pleuropneumonia showed positive was 63,59,33 and 73.In this study, we concluded that the Rhodopseudomonas added in diets obviously promoted the growth of swines, strengthened the capability of epidemic prevention and cleansed the environment, more over,it remarkably enhanced the economic benefit. Therefore, the eatable Rhodopseudomonas is a excellent porcine feed additive, which has a promising applied prospect.

  • 【分类号】S828.5
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】89

