

【作者】 马春鲤

【导师】 杜德鱼;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 种植, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 改革开放以来的20多年,我国的林业发展逐步向正规化和法制化建设的轨道前进,随着经济社会的全面发展,人民生活水平的逐步提高,人们对法律所赋予的权力意识的增强,林业在经济社会中的地位和作用也日益突出,对林权所属的利益也越来越关心和重视。同时也因为利益的驱使,由林权产生的争议也越来越多,其情况也越来越复杂。随着中共中央,国务院《关于加快林业发展的决定》的发表,更是对林业全面发展提出纲领性号召,怎样用法律法规来认识和处理好林权以及因此而发生的争议纠纷是事关国计民生和林业发展的前途命运的大事。在我国现阶段全面和系统地将这两者有机地结合起来论述的文章不多,这也给解决这一问题带来了理论上和实际操作上的困难。所以说在加快林业发展,扫清发展道路上的障碍,进一步完善林业产权制度,为林权争议纠纷的调处提出必要的理论基础和依据就显得尤为重要。 本文从林权与林权争议调处这一当今摆在我国林业发展的大问题展开论述。主要是想让更多的人了解这一理论,并能从中知道我国现阶段对林权的政策,法律的内容,从而为人们进行正常的林业发展提供保障,维护各自的权宜不受侵害。本文由浅入深地进行论述,主要让大家对这一理论有一个全面的认识,使之能推广到更广泛的层面,本文中林业站在林权争议处理上所发挥的作用是作者工作中遇到的现实问题中总结出来的,很有实用性。尽量以法律、法规和政策为主。强调“严、谨、细、实、真”的原则。 对少数民族地区的林权争议纠纷的调处研究,则强调了民族地区的特殊性,主要是强调这一工作处理中一定要有针对性,防止发生林权方面的民族矛盾,使问题复杂化,尖锐化,导致问题升级,发现影响民族团结与国家稳定的大事。

【Abstract】 Since the reform and open policy for more than 20 years, our country’s forestry development is gradually proceeding toward normal and legal tract of construction. Along with the full-range social and economic development, people’s living standard is gradually raised and legal consciousness is enhanced. The role and status of forestry in social and economic development is also standing out, which makes the benefit brought by the property right of forest more and more concerned. Simultaneously, due to the drive of benefit, many property dispute of forest occurred, which makes the situation much more complex. Along with the promulgation of the document entitled about speeding up forestry development, how to apply legal procedure to solving the property dispute of forest is one of the key issues concerning people. Articles that combine disputes and legal system in a complete and systematic way are still not much. That also causes difficulties in practice and theoretical use. So, to further improve the property system of forest and to identify the theoretical basis for solving the dispute of forest property appears important.This article deals with the property right of forest and the dispute solving. It provides a comprehensive description of the theory, enabling us to have a more detailed knowledge of the contents of the policy and law concerning the property right of forest, making sure that the forestry development is going well and the property right is protected. The problems and the means to solve the disputes are summarized from the perspective of the practical situation, being authentically and practical.The ways to deal with the dispute of forest property in minority area is highlighting the particular attribution of the region. The purpose is to prevent the conflicts in the property right of forest from becoming upgraded and affecting the stability of the national unity.

【关键词】 林权林权争议调处
【Key words】 forest ownershipcontroversy over forest ownershipmelody
  • 【分类号】F326.2;D922.4
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】317

