

【作者】 涂雅淇

【导师】 许光耀;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 经济法学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 行政垄断问题近年来一直都是备受学者们关注的问题,但长期的关注并没有对行政垄断的禁止提出实质性的建议。本文即在此基础上,分析了法律如何规制行政垄断。 本文的基本的思路是,从行政垄断的性质分析入手,认为其核心是行政权力的滥用行为,和对市场竞争的排斥、限制或妨碍行为。行政权力的滥用需要以行政法进行规制,而对其破坏竞争的效果则应以反垄断法予以禁止。因此,必须将这两个部门法的作用结合起来,这是对行政垄断行为进行法律规制的根本立足点。而围绕着这一思路,文章从三个部分进行了论述。 第一部分分析学术界的研究现状,简要地介绍了目前学术界对行政垄断的研究成果,着重论述了行政垄断的性质是滥用行政权力限制竞争的行为,并用经济学的方法分析了行政垄断的危害,概括分析了主要依托行政法和反垄断法来规制这一问题的必要性和可能性。 第二部分以《行政许可法》为核心,具体分析了行政垄断的行政法规制。在此部分,首先探明行政许可权的滥用是行政垄断的主要根源,然后探讨了行政许可权的性质。《行政许可法》明确了行政许可权的主体、适用范围以及实施程序等,在很大程度上控制行政许可权的滥用,从而可以相当程度地消除行政垄断。 第三部分则分析了行政垄断的反垄断法规制。这部分的主要观点是,在实施行政垄断行为时,其行为人实际上具有市场主体的属性,因此,传统的反垄断法能够对行政垄断进行规制,其基本方法,是将行政垄断行为人定位为具有市场支配地位的主体,因而应适用反垄断法上规制滥用支配地位的规则。

【Abstract】 This thesis analyzes the character of administrative monopoly, which is the abuse of the executive power and the restriction of competition, and its legal regulation should be based on the function of administrative law and anti-monopoly law. The administrative law regulates the abuse of the executive power, and the anti-monopoly law regulates the behaviors that distort competition. This article consisits of three parts.Chapter 1 summarizes the present research on administrative monopoly, and discusses the character of administrative monopoly is the abuse of administrative power in market to distort competition, and analyzes the harmfulness of administrative monopoly from economic prospect, then suggests the necessity and the possibility that regulate this problem on the basis of the combination of administrative law and the anti-monopoly law.Chapter 2 is about how to deal with administrative monopoly in Administrative Permission Law. The misuse of administrative permission power is the main source of administrative monopoly, therefore this law can play an important role to control the origin of administrative monopoly by the clear definition of the spheres, subjects, procedures of the performance of administrative permission power.Chapter 3 is about how to deal with administrative monopoly by anti-monopoly law. The administrative agencies should be regarded as market participants when they abuse their administrative power in market relationship to obtain economic interests, and this power gives them a dominant position which is often abused together with enterprises. So anti-monopoly law is also a basic part of the legal mechanism to control administrative monopoly.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 06期
  • 【分类号】D922.1;D922.294
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】239

