

Study on Transportation Planning Based on Logistics

【作者】 张廷亮

【导师】 巫世晶;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 机械工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 通过对物流条件下运输规划包括运输需求预测、系统规划、配套设施规划以及综合评价在内全过程的研究,较全面、细致地分析和阐述了现代物流发展对运输规划方法的影响,并将其应用于规划过程。通过对现代物流业与运输业的关系、物流条件下运输与传统运输的关系、物流条件下运输规划与传统运输规划关系以及物流条件下运输网络规划与综合运输网规划关系的比较,进一步明确了物流条件下运输规划的地位和作用。 利用系统分析及建立模型的方法,较全面地分析研究了物流对运输需求及运输规划方法的影响。结合物流条件下运输自身的特点,提出物流条件下运输需求的计算方法和物流条件下运输量常用的预测模型,并综合考虑各限制因素对物流条件下运输量的影响,得到综合限制模型。作为物流条件下主要的运输基础设施,重点研究了物流条件下运输系统中有着特殊地位作用的枢纽型物流中心的规划方法,枢纽型物流中心是物流条件下运输系统中兼有运输枢纽和物流服务双重功能的综合体,其规模大小与城市的规模和地位密切相关。枢纽型物流中心的规划方法采用重要度法及动态聚类法。重要度法是通过综合量度区域内各结点相对重要性,来排定结点顺序,从而选择结点。 而将动态聚类法应用于区域物流中心规划的基本思路是:先将规划区域中的所有结点视为聚类分析的样本;再按一定的标准将样本分为不同类,每一类具有典型的特征,最后根据需要按重要程度逐类选择结点。在此基础上进行了运输网络的规划,并给出通行能力下限模型,通过社会物流系统成本最低的限制及运输要素有效配合,实现物流条件下运输合理化。 本文还就物流对运输配套设施规划的影响以及电子商务与物流、运输系统的相互影响进行了简单的探讨。通过分析物流对运输系统效益综合评价的影响,给出物流条件下运输系统效益的综合评价方法,使规划方案具有可行性和可信度。 论文以山西铁路物流系统为例,作了一些应用方面的尝试。 本文研究的理论及实际意义在于一方面适应现代物流的发展,明确了物流对运输规划方法的影响;另一方面,对我国物流条件下运输设施的发展规划提出理论与实际的方法参考。

【Abstract】 This paper studies the influence of logistics on transportation planning from the point of the social economy system, including demand forecasting, system planning, supporting facilities and overall evaluation downright, roundly and finely, and putting into practice. The status and action of transportation planning on logistics is affirmed through comparing logistics condition with traditional transportation condition, including transportation mode, system planning, network planning and so on.Using systems analysis and model formation, the influence of logistics on transportation demand and system planning is analyzed and studied; calculation method and common forecasting models are also provided, combining with its specialty. What’s more, considering the influence of limited factors, the compositive limited mode is provided. The layout planning of distribution centers of hinge type are put emphasis on, which are main transportation fundamental facilities on logistics condition and playing a special role in it. As the syntheses of transportation junction and distribution center, the scale of distribution centers of hinge type have close relationship to the city. The planning methods are the Weightiness Method and Dynamic Clustering Method.Weightiness Method is, ordering the crunodes through comparing the weightiness of the crunodes. The main idea of Dynamic Clustering Method is as follow: firstly, regard all the crunodes of planning region as clustering analytic swatches; Secondly, classify different kinds of crunodes according to certain criterion, which must have typical traits; Finally, sort the crunodes by type. On this basis, the transportation network on logistics condition is planned and Traffic Capability Lower Limit Model is provided. The cost of logistics system is limited and transportation factors are tied in so as to rationalize the transportation process.The influence of logistics on the planning of transportation supporting facilities is provided simply, the influence is discussed among the Electronic Commence, logistics and transportation system either. Through the overall evaluation method, the planning scheme is ensured feasible and reliable.On the one hand, the influence of logistics on transportation planning is made definite; On the other hand, the theoretic and practical methods of development planning of transportation facilities on logistics condition are provided.

【关键词】 运输系统规划方法现代物流
【Key words】 transportation systemplanning methodlogistics
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 05期
  • 【分类号】F252
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】646

