

Design and Implementation of the Chinese Polar Spatial Data of Surveying and Mapping Management System

【作者】 马飞虎

【导师】 鄂栋臣; 杜道生;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 大地测量学与测量工程, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 我国南极科学考察已经20年,积累了丰富多样的中国极地测绘空间数据。但一直都没有对这些来之不易的数据进行科学、系统、完整的管理。为了抢救与保护由国家出资所获得的大量的、宝贵的极地科学数据资源,并为国内外科学界和社会公众提供专业研究所需的中国极地测绘空间数据,建立了中国极地测绘空间数据管理系统。 笔者在对历次极地考察所获得的极地测绘空间数据进行整理、分类的基础上,参考国际标准化组织(ISO/TC211)元数据标准、美国联邦地理数据委员会(FGDC)的CSDGM以及中国可持续发展信息共享元数据标准,设计了能够描述中国极地测绘空间数据的元数据标准,并对各类数据进行分析并设计了相应的数据结构,建立了中国极地测绘空间数据库。利用数据库技术、网页制作技术以及网络服务技术,实现了对数据的浏览、新增、编辑及查询,并实现网上发布,从而改变传统的手工作业方式和纸介质的数据保存方式,实现数据的动态更新维护,提高工作效率和数据的现势性,更好地服务于极地科学考察。

【Abstract】 In the past 20 years, through the effort by the Chinese Polar National Research Expedition, Chinese scientists have obtained and accumulated the rich and varied polar spatial data of surveying and mapping. In order to rescue and protect these valuable polar scientific data resource, Chinese Polar Spatial Data of Surveying and Mapping Management System is set up. By utilizing this system, we can offer Chinese polar spatial data of surveying and mapping for anyone who needs them.In this paper, different classes and properties of the Chinese polar spatial data of surveying and mapping have been analyzed, and the metadata and its management system have been designed by referring some popular metadata standards such as ISO/TC211, FGDC, and China Sustainable Development Sharing Information Metadata Standard . On the basis of it, a method of data organization and management has been provided and the database of the Chinese polar spatial data of surveying and mapping is established.This paper introduces the design methods, the system structures, the database structure and the system functions for the Chinese Polar Spatial Data of Surveying and Mapping Management System. Firstly, this system will be available on all platforms and operation systems. Users can start up this system with any WWW browser, such as Internet Explorer and Netscape Communicator. Secondly, by using technology of the database, manufacturing technology of the webpage and network service technology, this system provides the scanning, adding, editing, inquiring data functions and can publish data on Internet. Lastly, users who are accredited to manage data can get data information. In a word, this system changes the traditional method of preserving data and realizes the data’s dynamic updating maintenance and improves the efficiency of the work, so as to serve the polar research expedition well.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 05期
  • 【分类号】P208
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】179

