

Study on Reform of Agricultural Irrigation Water Charge for Youth Canal Irrigation District

【作者】 喻玉清

【导师】 罗金耀;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 水利水电工程, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 我国大型灌区是粮食和优质农产品的主要生产基地,也是我国国民经济的重要支柱和基础产业。这些灌区大多是20世纪50~70年代修建的。由于建设资金不足,很多灌区只能因陋就简,工程配套不全。建成后,又由于长期无偿和政策性低水价供水,水利工程管理单位没有资金进行水利工程的维修养护,经过长期运行,老化失修严重,以致难以为继。同时由于现行的水费计收方式和管理体制对水利工程管理单位和农业用水户没有形成有效的约束机制和激励机制,造成水管单位和农业用水户的节水意识淡薄,影响了灌区的自我发展。 本文根据《水利工程供水价格管理办法》,对广东省雷州青年运河灌区如何通过农业水费改革,实现既促使农业用水户节约、高效用水,又促进水管单位提高管理水平、强化服务意识,进行了较为系统深入的研究。本文研究了灌区农业用水两部制水价的制定,探讨了农业水费计收方式和管理体制改革的具体内容,对青年运河灌区全面开展农业水费改革奠定了基础。全文共分六章: 第一章,绪论。分析总结了国内外水价改革的研究进展和水费实施的历程,指出我国水价改革的必要性以及深化农业水费改革的迫切性。 第二章,水价改革的基本理论。分析了影响水资源价值的相关因素,介绍了水资源价值制定原则和测算模型,并且探讨了可持续发展条件下农业灌溉水价的制定方法。 第三章,灌区基本情况及农业用水完全成本计算。介绍了灌区的基本情况,分析了灌区农业水费改革的必要性和紧迫性,并根据《水利工程供水价格管理办法》准确地核定灌区农业供水完全成本水价。 第四章,灌区可持续发展条件下农业水价制定。结合青年运河灌区的具体实际,根据《水利工程供水价格管理办法》制定可持续发展条件下的灌区两部制水价。两部制水价原则体现了超定额用水累进加价和丰水年鼓励用水精神,将促进农业用水户节约用水和高效用水;同时两部制水价也将水价和水管单位服务质量挂钩,将促

【Abstract】 The large-size irrigation districts not only are primary base of yield crops and high quality produce, but also are basilic mainstay of country economy in China. These irrigation districts were built during 1950s-1970s. No adequate funds were available for proper operation and maintenence, and hence the technical condition of engineering facilities deteriorated and benefits of projects decreased year after year. The unfavorable effects caused by low irrigation service charges are :(a) Farmers take no care in saving water. A lot of precious water had been wasted.(b) The managing staff of the irrigation systems had little initiative to improve the management, due to their low wages and poor living conditions.Therefore, the research on financing irrigation services is of great significance in China.A typical large-size irrigation system, Youth Canal Irrigation District (YCID), located in the Guangdong Province north of the Leizhou Peninsula was selected for research. Based on the "Discipline on the Managing of Water Price for Water Projects", this article studies the measures on the collecting, using and managing of YCID irrigation service charges.The thesis includes the following 6 chapters:The first chapter is exordium. At first it has done some analysis and conclusion on the studies about the development and course of the water price reform. And then it indicates the problem and resistance existing in that of China, indicates the necessity to carry out the reform.The second chapter is main work of introducing the elementary theory of water price reform, analyzing the interrelated affecting parameters and summarizing making principle and the calculation modes of water resource value, and then studying the standard of irrigation water price making in agriculture sustainable development.The third chapter introduces the essential situations of YCID, especially about thenecessity to carry out the irrigation water charge reform. At the same time, this chapter re-evaluates the irrigation supply cost of YCID according to "Disciplines on the Managing of Water Supply Price for Water Projects" scientifically.In the fourth chapter, the article makes the Two-part Price of Irrigation Water (TPIW) according to the Disciplines with the fact of YCID. TPIW still includes adding rate because of exceeding water ration and reducing rate in an abundant year with water. It will promote farmers to take care in saving water and the managing staff of irrigation systems to improve the management. At the same time, the article analyzes the bearing capacity to irrigation water charge.The fifth chapter analyzes the rest content of irrigation water charge reform besides water price reform of YCID, and puts forward the responsibility of government and administration in the reform progress of the methods of collecting irrigation water charge and management system.Finally, the sixth chapter summarized the full paper and put. forward the questions which need to investigate further more.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 05期
  • 【分类号】F323.213
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】176

