

Oscillating Chemical Reactions and Their Applications in Pharmaceutical Analysis

【作者】 张志霞

【导师】 高锦章;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 分析化学, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 第一部分 化学振荡反应及其在药物分析中的应用 近年来,越来越多的自组织现象成为许多科技工作者研究的热点问题。这一部分主要阐述了对化学振荡反应进行理论研究的发展历史,发生化学振荡反应应具备的条件,各种化学振荡反应的机理以及它们在分析检测中的应用。最后,简要介绍了化学振荡反应研究的重要意义以及它在化学、生化、工程等领域的应用前景。 第二部分 盐酸可卡因对B—Z振荡体系的扰动及其含量测定 研究了在封闭体系中应用B-Z振荡反应测定盐酸可卡因的条件,建立了测定盐酸可卡因的新方法。结果表明,盐酸可卡因能明显她改变振荡体系的振幅,且浓度与振荡体系振幅的改变值ΔE呈现了良好的线性关系,线性范围为4.98×10-4mol·L-1-2.44×10-6mol·L-1,相关系数为0.9987,用于实际样品的测定时,结果满意。 第三部分 盐酸丁卡因对B—Z振荡体系的扰动及其含量测定 利用盐酸丁卡因对B—Z化学振荡反应体系振幅的影响建立了盐酸丁卡因的新的测定方法。在最佳的测试条件下,盐酸丁卡因的浓度在3.85×10-4mol·L-1—4.98×10-7mol·L-1范围内与振荡体系振幅的变化值呈现良好的二次函数关系,相关系数为0.9979,用于实际样品的测定时,结果满意。 第四部分 盐酸多巴胺对B—Z振荡体系的扰动及其含量测定 利用盐酸多巴胺对B—Z化学振荡反应体系振幅的影响建立了盐酸多巴胺的新的测定方法。结果表明,盐酸多巴胺能明显地改变B—Z化学振荡体系的振幅,且浓度与振荡体系振幅的改变值ΔE呈现了良好的线性关系,线性范围为1.45×10-4mol·L-1—9.70×10-7mol·L-1,相关系数为0.9978,标准误差为1.34%,检测限为1.2×10-7mol·L-1。系统地研究了测定体系地干扰情况。

【Abstract】 Part Ⅰ Oscillating chemical reactions and their applications inpharmaceutical analysisIn recent years, more and more self-organized phenomenon have become of great interest across of wide range of scientific research. In this section, we described the theoretical and experimental development of oscillating chemical reactions, conditions of chemical oscillating reactions; The mechanisms of chemical oscillating reactions and their applications in analytical determination were also discussed in brief. Finally, we mentioned the importance of these reactions in the field of chemistry, biochemistry and engineering.Part Ⅱ Perturbation of cocaine hydrochloride for the B-Z oscillating chemical system and its determination of the concentrationAn analytical method for the determination of the cocaine hydrochloride is established by studying its perturbation on the B-Z oscillating chemical system. The best reaction condition are reported.The results show that the adding of cocaine hydrochloride can change the oscillating amplitude and the change of the oscillating amplitude is linearly proportional to the concentration of cocaine hydrochloride, which is over the range of 4.98×104 mol·L-1 -2.44×10-6 mol·L-1, with the regression coefficient of 0.9987. The method is used to determine sample,a satisfactory result is obtained.Part Ⅲ Perturbation of dicaine hydrochloride for the B-Z oscillating chemical system and its determination of the concentrationA novel method was developed for the determination of the dicaine hydrochloride by the perturbation caused by different amounts of dicaine hydrochloride on the B-Z oscillating chemical system. Ranging from 3.85 × 10-4 mol·L-1 - 4.98×10-7 mol·L-1 the change of oscillating amplitude is second-order polynomial to the concentration of dicaine hydrochloride, with a good correlation coefficient of 0.9979. The method is used to determine sample,a satisfactory result is obtained.Part IV Perturbation of dopamine for the B-Z oscillating chemical system and its determination of the concentrationA new method has been established for the determination of the dopamine by the perturbation caused by different amounts of dopamine on the B-Z oscillating chemical system. The results show that the adding of dopamine can change the oscillating amplitude and the change of the oscUlating ajnpjj&dg j§ linearly proportional to the concentration of dopamine, which is over the range of 1.45X lO^mol-L"1 — 9.70 X 10’7 mol-L"1, with a good regression coefficient of 0.9978 and a standard deviation of 0.17%. Detection limite is 1.2 X10"7 mol.L"1. The interference was also studied.

  • 【分类号】TQ460.7;O643.1
  • 【下载频次】170

