

【作者】 张娥

【导师】 张学昕;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁师范大学 , 学科教学, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,语文教学还没能完全摆脱科学主义教育观的束缚,还没有完全走出“应试教育”的误区。如何在语文教学中对学生进行人文精神教育,如何在语文教学中真正体现文化与人的和谐发展,这成为摆在语文教育工作者面前的一项十分重要的课题。要完成这一任务,真正使语文教育体现以人为本的教育理念,语文学科教学研究就应从握国目前既有的教育理论现状出发,以促进人的发展为现实出发点和理论内容的生长点,建立起一种全面的、发展的、以人为本的语文教育观。 基于这种认识,本论文试图以马克思主义关于人的全面发展理论、人本主义教育理论为思想指导,以对人文精神教育的探讨为核心,以促进学生人文素质进步为现实基础和动力需求,对语文教学中的人文精神教育问题作多方面地探讨。论文是继九十年代人文精神讨论之后,在前人研究成果基础上,对语文教学中的人文精神教育问题进行的新探索,全文共分三部分。 第一部分,采用比较、分析的方法,对人文精神及人文精神教育的概念及其内涵进行研究,为后文的论述奠定一定的基础。 第二部分,主要从进行人文精神教育的原因入手,从当前语文教学现状及学生缺失人文素养两个方面,论述了在语文教学中进行人文精神教育的原因及意义。 第三部分,主要结合语文教学实践,从理论及实践两个方面探讨了进行人文精神渗透的途径。

【Abstract】 During these years, Chinese teaching hasn’t get rid of science education concept  and went out of the error of “taking exams education” imperfect yet. How to carry through human culture with students and how to enbody the harmonious development indeed between culture and humans in Chinese teaching? These two problems have become  education concept that bases on human beings in word and deed, Chinese education research should be set out from the actuality of education theories with regarding advancing a all-sided, developmental, and basing on humans’ Chinese education viewpoint.   Basing on the cognition, this essay tries to use Marxism as to the all-around development theories and education theories of basing on human by way of thought guidance, to take promoting students’ human culture stuff as realism foundation and motivity request, as well as to do various discussion about human spirit education in Chinese teaching.   This essay which makes out new explore concerning human spirit in Chinese te aching bases on the prehuman’s research production after human spirit discussion in 1990’s, including three parts in total.    First part: It goes along the research about the conception and meaning on human spirit and its education by comparing and analyzing so that it settles foundation for the latter part.    Second part: It dissertates the reasons and meaning on carrying through human education in two sides that include Chinese teaching actuality and b eing lack of human spirit mostly by starting with the reasons of human spirit teaching.    Third part: It discusses that how to permeate human spirit in two sides which are thories and practice  mainly by conbing Chinese teaching practice.

【关键词】 语文教学人文精神人文精神教育
  • 【分类号】G633.3
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】260

