

Study on Perfecting of Market Comparison Approach in Real Estate Appraisal Approaches

【作者】 高蓉

【导师】 王军武;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 结构工程, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 市场比较法是参照于估价时点近期类似房地产的实际成本价格来评定待估房地产价格的一种估价方法。由于市场法比较法相较于其它方法评估原理简单易懂,最重要的是在评估过程能直接反映房地产的市场状态,这些特点使其在评估方法体系中成为最简单、最直接、最常用的一种方法,得到国际评估界的公认。我国《房地产估价规范》规定:在有条件的地方必须运用市场比较法来评估土地或房地产价格。所以如何科学地运用市场比较法进行房地产估价已经成为一种趋势,是我国房地产界迫切需要解决的问题。 本文从理论上对房地产价格的影响因素、房地产评估的内容、原则及特点、市场比较法的运用原理、步骤及运用现状做了深入研究,总结了市场比较法在我国运用过程中存在的主要问题和难点:可比实例选择的随意性,因素修正的主观性、不完备性,交易案例不易得到,并就这些问题提出了新的算法和自己独特的见解。 在本文中,首先是运用模式识别模型进行可比实例的选择,在此模型的运用过程中,先论证了其的可行性,然后就模型中一直没能很好解决的特征因素隶属度和权重求解问题提出了两种新的算法,提高了精度,很好的解决了问题;接着在因素的修正中,提出房地产权益的修正不容忽视,并提出新的修正算法;第三,运用模糊综合评判模型的特点进行区域因素和个别因素的确定;最后利用改进后的平滑指数法进行综合价格的求取。对于上面这些修正,在本课题中均结合估价实例进行演算,并对传统市场比较法和改进后的比较法精度进行了比较说明,证明了改进算法的可行性。 本文还对改善我国估价案例库匮乏的现状提出了中肯的建议,就改进算法的研究结果进行了总结,并指出市场比较法是一门与计算机密切相关的方法,应该加大计算机在市场比较法中的运用。

【Abstract】 Market comparison approach is a means of evaluating the price of real estate with reference to the real cost price of current real estate with similar qualifications. The approach is universally recognized as one of the simplest, the most direct and the most frequently used methods in the international evaluating system of real estate. On one hand, the working principles of market comparison approach are easy to understand compared with other methods; on the other hand, it directly reflects situation of the real estate market. China Real Estate Regulation stipulates that if conditions permitted, market comparison approach must be employed in evaluating both land and real estate. It is now a trend to use market comparison approach to evaluate real estate, and how to scientifically use it is a problem to be urgently solved in real estate.The thesis attempts to make theatrical research in three aspects: the characteristics of real estate prices and factors affecting these prices; the content, principles, and characteristics of real estate evaluation; the working principles, procedures and present situation of market comparison approach. The thesis also summarizes the major problems and difficulties arising in the usage of market comparison approach, such as the random choice of comparative case, the subjectivity and incompletion of elements-revising, the inaccessibility of transaction case. To solve these problems, the author put forward a new calculating method and her own original idea about these problems.The thesis is divided into three parts. Firstly, the author establishes the fuzzy pattern recognition’s model for selecting com parable instances , and then prove the feasibility of the practice. Two calculating methods are advanced responding to fix membership grade and weight, two issues still not satisfactorily explored, and in the way, the degree of precision is improved. Secondly, the author believes that the rights and interests of real estate should not be ignored in elements-revising and put forward new calculating method of revising elements. Thirdly, district factors and specific elements are fixed by resorting to the characteristics of fuzzy complex evaluation, and the comprehensive price is figured out with the help of the improved the first smooth index。 All the above revisions are based on the calculations in evaluating case. A comparison is made on the degree of precision between the traditional market comparison approach and the improved one, thus the feasibility of improved one is proved.Finally, pertinent suggestions are given on dealing with the insufficiency of evaluating cases. The author also summarizes the achievements in improving calculating methods and points out that market comparison approach is closely related to computer technology and the usage of computer should be enhanced in market comparison approach.

  • 【分类号】F293.3
  • 【被引频次】16
  • 【下载频次】1318

