

Technology Research and Trial of Rotary Tillage and Bury-Stalk

【作者】 张在平

【导师】 许绮川;

【作者基本信息】 华中农业大学 , 农业机械化工程, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 长期以来,我国水稻生产过程主要靠人畜力完成,生产效率低、劳动强度大、工作环境恶劣,严重影响了我国水稻产品在国际市场上的竞争力,挫伤了稻农的积极性,不利于水稻生产的可持续发展。特别是在双季稻种植地区,双抢农时季节紧,生产任务重、气候炎热、劳力短缺,农民迫切需要优质高效的机械来取代人畜力作业。 本文旨在提出一种新型的以简易机耕船为动力的旋耕埋秆技术及配套机具。试图通过对收获后残留高秆的水田实施压秆→旋耕→切秆→碎土→平田等多工序的联合作业,达到下茬作物适时播栽的条件。基于前茬收获时残留秸秆愈来愈高的发展趋势,本技术及配套机具在作业中能将600mm左右的直立稻秆伴随旋耕整地一次性直接埋覆还田。它对秸秆开发利用、改善土壤结构、保护自然环境、挣抢农时季节、减轻劳动强度、实现节本增效具有深远意义和实用价值,为麦—稻、油—稻、肥—稻连作的高秆还田机械化技术开发提供了重要借鉴。 本技术及试验装置机以简易机耕船为动力,不仅能在一般水田中作业,而且特别能在深泥脚水田乃至湖田中正常作业。 新型刀辊是本项目技术关键的具体体现,它分为左右对称两组,由螺旋横刀、端面弯刀、纵向立刀及刀辊主轴、挡草板、拖板和传动装置等组成。通过机耕船的悬挂装置、提升和调节结构实现升降和耕深调节。 通过本项技术机理研究,对其工作特性及影响因素有了一定的认识,提出了比较合适的设计参数。分析认为机组最佳结构参数为刀辊直径480mm,刀辊长度680mm,刀辊的横刀数和每一端面的弯刀数均为5把,弯刀和立刀与刀辊轴垂直,横刀安装角72.5°,错位角46°。能够适应的环境主要参数为秸秆高度达600mm,土壤坚实达约3.5kgf/cm~2,秸秆密度平均约231根/m~2,水层深度达70mm,泥脚深度达300mm。 作业速度平均约0.96m/s,刀辊作业转速平均约290r/min,λ≈7。 作业耕深达117mm,耕深稳定性达85%,耕幅约700mm,耕幅稳定性接近100%,地表平整度平均约15%,秸秆粉碎率平均约53%,埋秆深度平均约45mm,植被覆盖率≥92%。 纯小时工作生产率达2.49亩/h,油耗约为15.6kg/hm~2。

【Abstract】 For a long time, the rice production process of our country is finished by people and animal power mainly, production efficiency is low, labour intensity is great, the working environment is abominable, which had influenced the competitiveness in the international market of rice products of our country seriously, dampened rice agricultural enthusiasm , unfavorable to sustainable development, rice of production Especially in double-harvest rice area , its double rush for harvesting and sowing urgent season have farming season, serious production task , hot weather , labour’s shortage, peasants need high-quality and high-efficient machinery to replace people and animal power work urgently.The text aims at putting forward a kind of new-type rotary tillage and burying-stalk technology and related machines taking boat tractor as motive force.Trying to reach the sowing and planting requirement of next season in time through pressing stalk → rotary tillage→cutting stalk → burying stalk →smashing soil→levelling off field to the high stalk after reapping on the paddy field. With the stalk after reaping is becoming higher and higher, this technology and related machines is estimated to bury rice stalk with 600mm height and return them into the field. It has deeply meaning and practicality value to the stalk’s exploiture and second use, increasing fertility of the field, protecting the environment, saving the sowing and planting time, lighten labour intensity, saving the cost and increasing the efficiency,and providing important use for reference to the mechanization technology development of the returning high stalk into field of the wheat-paddy, cole- paddy, green manure- paddy succession.The technology and testing equipment adopts the boat tractor as motivity, it can not only work normally in the general paddy field , but also in deep mud foot paddy field and even lake land.The new-type roller is the idiographic embodiment of the key technology. It can be divided into two symmetrical parts, which is mainly made up by helix horizontal knife, end tulwar, portrait Li knife, main shaft of the roller , preventing-grass reamer and transmission device,etc. Through the hanging equipment, upgrading and adjust outfit it can carry out the rising and falling and adjust depth of cultivating.Through mechanism research of the technology , its working characteristic and influence factor is comprehend certainly and relative appropriate design parameter is brought forward. The analysis shows the best parameter is that the diameter of the roller is 400mm, the length is 680mm ,both the number of horizontal knife and tulwar at each endare 5, the number of the Li knife is 17-18, both the horizontal knife and tulwar are vertical to the main shaft of the roller, installation angel of the horizontal knife is 72.5°, stagger angel is 46° .The environment parameter the roller can accept is that the height of the stalk is 600mm, The massiness’s degree of the soil is about 3.5 kgf/cm1, The density of the stalk is about 231 per m2, the depth of water on field is about 10 mm; the mud foot profundity can orientation 300mm.The advancing velocity of the unit is about0.96m/s, the work rotational speed is about 290r/min,/l?7.The depth of the ploughing can reach 111 mm and it’s stability can reach 85% ; The width of the ploughing is about 100 mm and it’s stability can reach nearly 100%;The surface roughness after being ploughed can reach nearly 15%; the crushing rate of the stalk can reach 55.4%; the depth of the stalk intered can reach 52.4 mm ;the coverage rate of the stalk >92%.The pure hour-work-rate can reach 2.49mu/h , The oil consume is about \5.6kglhm2.

【关键词】 旋耕埋秆机耕船技术试验
【Key words】 Rotary TillageBury-stalkBoat tractorTechnicalTrial
  • 【分类号】S341.1
  • 【被引频次】14
  • 【下载频次】286

