

The Study on Strategy Transformation of Guangdong Textiles I & E Corporation (Group) Based on Value Chain Integrated

【作者】 胡育平

【导师】 白建东;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 工商管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 我国入世以后,国有外贸企业的经营环境发生了根本性的变化。外贸经营权的全面放开、国家各种特殊、优惠政策的逐步取消,使目前大部分的国有外贸企业经营状况急剧恶化,几乎到了生死存亡的关头。本文通过理论联系实际的研究方法,运用相关经营战略理论对粤纺集团这个典型国有专业外贸公司的经营环境及经营状况进行分析研究,得出了国有外贸企业目前陷于困境的根本原因在于其在产业价值链上参与环节少、价值贡献小、没有形成自己的核心竞争力这样一个结论,提出了国有外贸企业必须顺应外部环境变化,以价值链整合、再造为核心调整企业经营战略,以企业现有的优势条件为基础,以强化价值链的关键“战略环节”为导向进行企业战略转型的思路。同时结合粤纺集团的实际情况,设计了一套以重点产品定位战略、产品研发战略、购并联盟战略、海外营销战略和品牌发展战略等五大战略行动为重点的战略转型模式方案。 由于企业战略转型是牵一发而动全身的系统工程,在完成了基本战略转型模式设计后,本文还对粤纺集团战略转型的各个层面作了策略性的调整研究。包括健全法人治理结构、重塑再造企业文化、调整企业组织结构、创新运营管理机制、培育核心竞争能力等等。 本文的目的是利用现有成熟理论解决企业面临的实际问题,属应用性研究。这一研究结果将对目前陷于困境的国有外贸企业进行战略转型提供一定的参考价值。

【Abstract】 After entering WTO, state-owned foreign trade enterprises have experienced vast changes in operating environment with the opening of foreign trade franchise and the losing of special and preference policy. Many of them face a worse and worse condition on business operation. After analyzing the operating environment and business circumstance of Guangdong textiles import & export corporation (group) by using the relative strategy theories, the author found that the basic reason for the present situation is that these enterprises not only create few value in industry value chain but also lack of core competencies themselves. Based on this research, the author point out a new way to make strategy transformation, on which the value chain integrated and the key "strategy link" strengthened were emphasized.Combined with the reality of this enterprise, a new strategy transformation mode, which consists of five strategies, namely, key product orientation strategy, product R&D strategy, merger & alliance strategy, international marketing strategy and brand image strategy has been designed in this thesis.As the strategy transformation is a systematic project as a whole in modern enterprise, the other transforming aspects of this enterprise also have been studied in this thesis, including adjusting enterprise manage structure, rebuildingenterprise culture, reconstructing organization construction, creating operation & supervision mechanism and breeding core competitive capability. This research is a practical studying. It aims to settle an enterprise practice directed by some ripe theories. The conclusion of this thesis is helpful to provide some references to the strategy transformation of other state-owned foreign trade enterprises.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 03期
  • 【分类号】F279.26
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】294

