

Study of the Middle-Late Namurian Flora in Xiaheyan, Zhongwei (Northwest China)

【作者】 冯卓

【导师】 沈光隆;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 古生物学与地层学, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 纳缪尔期植物群的研究工作因受到该期地层分布的局限性而不如其他地史时期植物群研究地深入,甚至由于纳缪尔阶(Namurian)A期菊石E2与H1亚带之间的界线亦是上下石炭统的分界线,所以在近年来的《国际地层表》中该阶名也逐渐被塞普霍夫阶(Serpukhovian)和巴斯基尔阶(Bashkirian)所代替。目前国内关于纳缪尔期植物群方面的研究只散见于少数文献,且多集中在纳缪尔早期植物群的植物学性质方面的介绍;尽管其中几篇关于纳缪尔中晚期植物群的报道,又多无动物化石佐证或较精确的地层划分。自李星学等(1993)的巨著《北祁连山东段纳缪尔期地层及生物群》问世后,中国关于纳缪尔期植物群的研究水平似乎已经在国际上名列前茅了,但其大植物部分亦仅包括了纳缪尔早期植物。 本文描述了笔者采自宁夏中卫下河沿纳缪尔中晚期地层的植物化石31属55种,其中包括4个新种、4个比较种、21个未定种及1个亲近种,并详细研究了下河沿纳缪尔中晚期植物群植物学性质,进而将其与国内几处同期植物群作了全面对比。结合自从大学三年级一直到硕士研究生阶段笔者踏勘过的北祁连山东段地区十几条石炭系剖面,以及对相关文献的整理,笔者初步分析了北祁连山东段纳缪尔中晚期植物群的垂直演化分布情况,并完成了该期全球不同植物地理区系植物群植物学性质方面的简要比较。北祁连山东段地区纳缪尔早期与中晚期植物群的遗传性与继承性,加之华夏植物群的特征分子及一些东方型地方性分子在纳缪尔早期的出现,笔者认为这些无疑为晚古生代四大植物群之一的华夏植物群的起源完成于纳缪尔初期提供了有利证据。

【Abstract】 The study of Namurian Flora is not so well advanced because of the limited geographic distribution of the plants in the world, even the stage had been taken place by Serpukhovian and Bashkirian due to the middle borderline between Upper and Lower Carbeniferous passing through the ammonite subzone E2 and subzone H1 of Namurian A, thus there are not so many practical papers subjected to the plants of this stage like the other periods these years. Since the most recent great piece "The Namurian and its biota in the east sector of North Qilian Mountain"(Li et al, 1993) and several other papers dealt with the fossil plants of Namurian stage in China, China seems to have made the top ones in the study of the early Namurian Flora among the world. Unfortunately, few papers considered systematically the plant elements and its vertical evolutionary development in the every subdivision unit for the high-resolution reconstruction of the Namurian Flora, nor the study of the high-resolution of correlation between the different Flora provinces, even less in the Middle-Late Namurian.The author had been to dozens of fossil localities of Namurian strata many times in the North Qilian Mountains since junior year of undergraduate study to the last summer of graduate school under the direction of Professor Guanglong Shen of the Department of Geology, Northwest University. Based on 18 boxes of fossil specimens collected by the author from Xiaheyan, Zhongwei, Ningxia Hui Minority Autonomous Region and some other geological and palaeontological data from both Xiaheyan and the adjacent sections in the east sector of North Qilian Mountains, the present paper studies the botanical characteristics of Middel-Late Namurian Flora in Locality Xiaheyan and represents the primary reconstruction of the Middle-Late Namurian Flora in the Northeast Qilian Mountains, also tries to make available accounts for the correlation between the different Flora provinces, and discusses the origin time of Cathaysian Flora based on the succession and the transmissibility of the plants through the whole Namurian stage.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 02期
  • 【分类号】Q914
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】88

