

【作者】 邹义珍

【导师】 杨山;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 人文地理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 城市基础设施是指为城市人民提供生产和生活所必需的最基本的基础设施,是城市、地区经济起飞的必备条件。无论是发达国家,还是发展中国家,城市的发展都必须要有最低限度的先行社会基础资本建设,否则在结构上的缺陷会导致经济起飞过程中的严重问题。城市基础设施包括道路交通、给水排水、能源供应、邮电通讯、绿化环卫、城市防灾等六大项,任何一项的发展落后于经济发展,都会成为制约城市经济发展的瓶颈。因此根据城市地区基础设施建设现状,分析制约地区基础设施发展最关键的那几项,针对这几项,在技术、资金、管理等方面采取措施,如引用新的技术;广泛吸引社会资本,加大资金投入;学习先进的管理模式,改革传统管理方式。只要改善基础设施不适应社会经济发展的现状,必然会带来经济的一次飞跃。本文通过对六合区基础设施的分析,发现制约六合区经济发展的基础设施主要是交通运输设施和给排水设施,据此提出构建六合区基础设施新体系的构想:针对交通设施和给排水设施,从技术和管理两方面入手,寻求突破两大瓶颈的出路,力图让六合区快速融合到南京发展的大环境中去。

【Abstract】 The urban infrastructure means the most basic infrastructure supporting production and essential life of urban people. It is the indispensable conditions of the urban and regional economics take-off. No matter developed country or developing country, to develop the urban economy the construction of the public infrastructure should continue growing at certain pace. Otherwise the structural defect will cause serious problems during economics take-off. Infrastructure includes road Infrastructure, water supplying and draining, energy supplying, telecommunications, making green and sanitation and civil precautions. If one factor develops slower than economic development, it will become the bottleneck of urban economic development. To analyze how infrastructure is built, the more important thing is to find the most lagging items. According to those items, we should do something in technique, fund, management , etc. We should analyze the delayed causes and introduce new technology from elsewhere; attract the social capital intensively, increase the input in fund; learn the advanced management mode and reform the management style. In a word, if we improve its current situation, it must bring leap of economy. Though the analyzing of infrastructure of urban areas, the paperfinds that the infrastructure of restraining economic development in Luhe area is mainly transportation and water supplying and draining. The paper puts forward the idea of building up a new systems of the infrastructure of Luhe area. According to road Infrastructure, supplying and draining system of water, the paper provides the methods of solving the outlets of two large bottlenecks in technology and management, and tries hard to make Luhe area be merged to the great environment of developing Nanjing.

【关键词】 构建六合区基础设施技术管理新体系
【Key words】 ConstructLuhe areaInfrastructureTechnologyManagementNew system
  • 【分类号】F294
  • 【下载频次】88

