

【作者】 张昳丽

【导师】 马珏玶;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 清词是继宋词之后的又一个发展高峰,清初词坛的繁荣又是促成清词中兴的一个关键。在清初的词坛上,彭孙遹被誉为“近代词人第一”,他的学识与才华让王士禛和朱彝尊都自叹不如,是清代词坛上一位不可多得的优秀作家,他的三卷《延露词》清新俊逸,文采斐然。但是,长期以来彭孙遹被人们定位为“艳情专家”,其作品也没有得到充分的研究。本文意在对彭孙遹及其《延露词》进行较为全面的考察。 第一章为彭孙遹家世生平研究,重点是结合县志和史书记载对彭孙遹的家世及主要成员进行考证研究,再就是以传略和年谱的形式展现彭孙遹的生平。 第二章是彭孙遹词学思想研究,结合《金粟词话》等探究其词学观点。 第三章主要是作品研究,首先对《延露词》的版本进行梳理,接着对《延露词》的内容特色和艺术成就进行考察分析,最后在前面的研究基础之上,对彭孙遹在词史上的地位和影响进行客观评价。

【Abstract】 The development of poetry in the Qing Dynasty reached another peak since its prosperity in the Song Dynasty. Many outstanding poets contributed to the great development of poetry at that time; among them was Peng Sunyu, who was referred to as "the best poet in modern times" and was renowned for his extensive knowledge and distinctive talent. He had written Yan Lu Poetry (three volumes), which was known for its freshness and clarity. However, he has long been labelled as "an adept at pornography", and his works were not treated properly.The present paper aims to give a full account of the poet and his work Yan Lu Poetry. The first chapter unfolds over the account of his family and his life, and the focus is laid on the investigation into his family and main family members with reference to the county annals and historical records and finally tends to come up with the chronicle of his life with the form of Brief biography and Chronicle of one’s life.The second chapter focuses on the research into his poetic opinions by investigating Jing Su Poetic Notes.The third chapter focuses on the research into his works. Firstly, examines the Editions of Yan Lu Poetry ,then Investigate and analyse its content features and its artistic achievements. Based on the former chapters’ research, the last chapter will be devoted to the comment on Peng Sunyu’s status and Influence in Chinese poetic history.

【关键词】 彭孙遹家世生平《金粟词话》《延露词》
【Key words】 Peng SunyuFamilyLifeJing Su Poetic NotesYan Lu Poetry
  • 【分类号】I207.23
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】287

