

【作者】 周纪来

【导师】 何宝泉; 陈应时;

【作者基本信息】 上海音乐学院 , 古筝, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 筝作为中国古老的乐器之一,从其定型起历经两千多年的岁月,仍旧发挥着独特的魅力,让人们爱不释手。本文通过运用大量的文献资料,出土的考古实物,各种壁画、泥雕等对上古、中古、近古时期以及近现代筝的形制进行考察。 通过研究分析,中国筝至今仍能受到大众的宠爱,关键是在形制上不断改革中进行自我调整。中国筝之所以能融入人们的文化生活,是由于其形制上的优化,使得筝的音色更为动听,这恰恰是一件乐器吸引人们的最重要因素。在中国不同的朝代和所处不同的社会环境,筝的形制所体现的弹性,也为其发展提供了非常大的空间。 从萌芽状态的竹制管状琴到借鉴瑟,最后在先秦时期的正式命名为筝;从汉、唐筝形制的成熟到宋元明清时的灵活性,从现代传统筝到改革筝,在其形制漫长的发展过程中,它受到了中国的政治经济、中国的哲学理念、中国的审美情趣等方面的影响。本文试图从中国筝形制的发展,找到其逐渐变演的规律,从而对现代筝进一步的发展提出自己的看法。

【Abstract】 Zheng is one of the oldest Chinese music instruments. It is still popular even more than 2000 years has passed since it was first invented. With the help of literatures, archaeology founding, fresco and mud engraving, mis dissertation describes the shape of Zheng in the various periods, ancient China, middle China and modern China.The research found that the key reason of Zheng’s popularity is that its adjustment in the changing world. Zheng has been and still is part of people’s life. The optimization of the shape of Zheng has led to better tamber. This is the most important element of the popularity of a music instrument The flexible of the shape of Zheng in the various period and society has provided it a big room for further development.The early Zheng is kind of bamboo music instrument that is called Halbrohrenzither or Rohrenzither . Then it borrowed some elements of Se, another ancient Chinese music instrument It gained the name of Zheng for the first time in Qin dynasty. Zheng came into matured period from Han dynasty to Tang dynasty. And it was further diversified in the period from Song dynasty to Qing dynasty. Today, modern Zheng is reformed significantly from the traditional ones. The development of the shape of Zheng in the long history also reveals the changes and development of Chinese politic, economic, philosophy, aesthetics and music.By researching the development of the shape of Zheng, the author is trying to identify a rule which governs its changes and development. Then the rule could guide the author to the further development of modern Zheng.

  • 【分类号】J632.32
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】645

