

A Stylistic Analysis of English Business Letters

【作者】 李欣

【导师】 赵安源;

【作者基本信息】 太原理工大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 随着科学经济的发展,以及中国加入世界贸易组织的飞速变化,中国的对外贸易和相应的随之而来的经济活动、技术活动、文化交流越来越成为国家关注的焦点,不但许多中国人到海外发展贸易经济,而且许多外国人也来到中国考察参观试图在中国幅员辽阔的土地上发展其事业。因此,无论是从直接还是间接的程度上,我们国人和外国人的交流和沟通、贸易往来的机会也接踵而来。 而在与外国人交流往来的过程中,作为国际交流的载体,商务英语写作已广泛应用于日常生活和常规工作的方方面面,尤其表现在公共关系、信息、表达思想、交流感受和社会商务方面。由此可见,对于那些从事外贸活动的人们来说,很好的掌握商务英语写作的语言特点及写作技巧是外贸活动中首当其冲的关键。 商务英语写作并不需要华丽的辞藻,因为它本身并不是文学著作,但是它所要表达的观点必须以一种平实的、清晰的、不易产生歧义的语言而展现出来,不但要引人入胜,而且要说服读者信任你所陈述的观点。

【Abstract】 With the development of science and economy, and China’s entrance into WTO, China’s foreign trade and the constant increase of other economic activities, technical cooperation and cultural exchange to foreign countries draw much attention to themselves. Not only many Chinese go abroad to do business, but also many foreigners come to China to sightsee and invest capital in enterprises. The opportunity we make direct or indirect contact with foreigners becomes more and more.And in the course of association with the foreigners, as a vehicle of international business transaction, business English letter is widely used in every field of our daily life and routine duties, especially in the profession of pubic relations, information, to express ideas, to exchange feelings and to deal with social business. Therefore, it is necessary for the people who engaged in foreign affairs to have a good command of the language features and writing techniques about business English letters.Business English letters does not call for flowery language because it isn’t literary works, but it is required to express the writer’s own views accurately in a plain language that is very clear and is readily understood, and catch the reader’s attention and persuade them into believing what you said.This thesis aims at analyzing the business English writing by using the theories of stylistics. First, it starts from the description of stylistics and its origin, including some branches of stylistics; second, it goes on analyzing the linguistic features of all kinds of business letters. In the procedure of analyzing, it gives some really examples so as to draw a clear picture of the whole theory to the readers. As to the analysis of business letters, it can be divided into four levels: lexical, syntactical and discourse. At last, it will find the rhetoric features in business letters. The four main guides will go through all the paper.This paper tries to reveal many linguistic features of different business letters and provide some basis for the drafting and understanding of business letters, which, I hope will do well to the business transaction among our country and foreign countries.

  • 【分类号】H315
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】2602

