

Research on Design in Space and Environment of Residential Quarters Aiming at Promoting Neighbor’s Intercourse

【作者】 周萱

【导师】 魏宏杨;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 随着市场经济体制改革的深入与城市化进程的推进,中国正经历着一场全面而深刻的社会变革。住宅建设迅猛发展,城市住区的物质条件得到了显著提高,但居住环境的社会人文质量却差强人意。居民的社区意识淡漠,邻里衰落和邻里交往危机日益严重,并不断引起各方人士的关注。因此,当前研究住区交往问题具有更强的现实意义: 首先,住区邻里交往的危机使居民间缺乏信任关爱与支持互助,居民对住区缺乏归属感,这对儿童成长和老人养老极为不利。当前,我国城市住区邻里交往正处于关键的蜕变时期,若不进行正确引导,就会加剧邻里关系的淡漠,居民缺乏责任感而形成“社会关系死角”,将对社会和谐与稳定造成不利影响。其次,城市人在享受高强度的非日常交往带来的便利与信息时,内心仍渴望日常交往的情感支持与心理慰籍。因此,抗拒人情冷漠、重拾友情、亲情、渴望邻里共同生活的温暖成为对当代住区交往危机的反思与重省,邻里交往的理念出现了价值回归。再次,我国城市居民的居住现状已逐渐由“居者有其屋”向“居者优其屋”发展,居住物质条件的大为改善使人们得以去追求更高层次的居住环境的社会人文质量,追求和睦融洽的新型邻里关系。 有鉴于此,论文以“如何优化住区空间环境以促进交往”为研究目的,通过对当代住区现状的剖析,借鉴社会心理学研究成果,提出了“物质空间结构支持住区社会结构”的观点,并分析了一系列设计原则,总结了相应的设计策略。 全文主体内容共分五章: 引言部分,对论文研究的背景、对象、方法,研究目的、意义、研究框架做了概括性介绍。 第二章 首先系统分析了我国住区空间环境的发展与现状;进而阐释了当代住区建设关注居民交往的必要性;最后结合实际指出了住区空间环境的现存问题,为下文进一步分析问题作以铺垫。 第三章 首先借鉴相关学科知识,分析了住区交往行为的特征及其与交往行为的相互关系;其次勾画了“促进交往”的空间环境基本特征;最后结合实际,具体分析了当代居民不同人群的交往行为特征及其对环境的要求。为下文深入研究作好了基础理论的铺垫。 第四章是论文理论研究的重点。借鉴社会心理学研究成果,尝试在社会性的交往行为与物质性的空间环境之间搭建一座桥梁。首先,从宏观角度提出了住区与城市之间“互动与整合”的研究定位,并提出“邻里同质、社区混合”的规划

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of market economy and city expanding, China is experiencing a general and profound reform. Although the physiological condition of residential environment has been notably elevated, the social and psychological condition of residential environment still has long way to go. Mostly, the crisis of neighbor’s intercourse has led to many problems, which has been a consensus for the professionals of concerning fields recently. So to research the communication and neighbor’ intercourse of residence is of meaning.Firstly, owing to the crisis of communication, the residence lose harmony and residents can hardly trust each other and afford help to others, which would do great harm to the growth of children and to the supporting of the aged. Secondly, as citizens are enjoying the convenience, efficiency and abundant information from working and management, they are also deeply eager to be embraced by warm relationships of neighborhood. Finally, because the physiological condition of residentence has touched such a high level that residents are likely to seek more psychological quality of residential environment nowadays.Owing to understanding above, the dissertation focuses on research on design in space and environment of residential quarters aiming at promoting neighbor’s intercourse. In planning and designing the residential quarters, environment plays an important role in elevating quality of all residential conditions including neighbor’s intercourse. In term of environmental influence upon human mentality and behavior, the dissertation explores the design methods to promoting communication and neighbor’s intercourse in residence.The dissertation consists of five pars. The introduction describes the research background, and defines the research object and some concepts concerned. The second part introduces the developing clue of residence of our country, and explains the urgent need of research on mental quality of residence, then point out the status and problems of residential environment nowadays. The third part introduces some conceptions and theories relating to neighbor’s intercourse mentality and behavior, and explains the need and relationship of mental intercourse with physical environment. The forth part, from the basic attributes of space to the characters of human behavior in space, summarizes the characters of space and principle to promote neighbor’s intercourse. Then bringforward the viewpoint that "the social structure of community should be supported by the physical space and environment system". The last part of the dissertation discusses separately the design of spaces and factors that promoting neighbor’s intercourse in residential quarters from eight aspects, and finally makes the principle of design reified.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 03期
  • 【分类号】TU984.12
  • 【被引频次】45
  • 【下载频次】2006

