

The Study on QOL (the Quality of Life) of the Old Empty-nest People and Their Community Nursing Needs in Communities of Fuzhou City.

【作者】 林婷

【导师】 黄俊山; 姜小鹰;

【作者基本信息】 福建医科大学 , 老年医学, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 目的:(1)了解空巢老人、非空巢老人的一般情况是否存在差别。(2)明确空巢、非空巢老人的生存质量和对社区护理服务需求情况及其影响因素。(3)提出改进社区护理的对策以提高老人生存质量的措施。方法:选择福州4 个社区60 岁以上的老人作为研究对象。使用自制的社区护理需求调查问卷以及生存质量综合评定量表(GQOLI-74),对其生存质量状况、社区护理需求情况及影响因素等进行调查研究。采用卡方检验、方差分析、逐步回归、相关分析等确定生存质量和社区护理需求的情况和影响因素及其相互关系。结果:1、一般情况:(1)平均年龄为68.80±7.16 周岁,空巢老人共占老人总数的29.8%。(2)空巢老人和非空巢老人在年龄构成、婚姻状况、性别比、文化程度、职业、月收入上均没有差别。(3)独居和夫妇空巢之间、有无配偶非空巢之间在年龄构成、性别比、职业构成比较上存在差别,各组在文化程度、月收入上没有差别。2、社会学资料:(1)调查对象中患1 种以上疾病的老人占71.9%。在所患疾病中,居前3 位的是高血压、关节炎、心血管疾病。(2)所有老人中与子女同住的老人占64.7%(3)大部分老人所面临的最主要问题集中在经济问题和健康问题,孤独和经济问题是独居空巢老人所担心的。3、社区护理需求:(1)认为社区护理对其生活有帮助和很有帮助的老人占41.7%,40.8%的老人选择到社区卫生服务站接受服务,老人不接受社区护理的最主要原因是费用问题。(2)老人对社区护理需求处在中等水平,最需要的护理项目集中在健康宣教方面。(3)影响社区护理需求的主要因素是对社区护理的认识、患病数目、年龄等。4、老人的生存质量:独居空巢、夫妇空巢、有无配偶非空巢老人在社会功能和总分的差别有显著意义;空巢、非空巢老人在生存质量个领域和总分上没有差别。影响老人生存质量的主要因素是患病数目、经济状况、文化程度、职业、婚姻状况、年龄等。

【Abstract】 Objective:(1) To investigate the general conditions of the old empty-nest and non-empty-nest people and the differences between them .(2) To investigate the empty-nest and non-empty-nest old people’s QOL and theirdemanding community nursing care and the affected factors.(3)To put forward some perfect measures for improving the old people’s QOL.Methods:A total of 363 old people over 60 years old are selected from 4 communities in Fuzhou,Fujian. Their QOL and community nursing needs are assessed by using a self-designedinvestigation questionnaire besides the GQOLI-74. The statistics methods used includeschi-square test、ANOVA、step linear regression、correlation analysis, and so on.Results:1、General conditions: The mean age of the old people is 68.80±7.16. The old empty-nestpeople make up 29.8% of the total. There is no significant difference in the constitution ofage、marriage、sex rate、education degree、occupation and income between the empty-nest andnon-empty-nest old people. There are significant differences existing in the constitution of age、sex、occupation among the 4 groups-single and couple old empty-nest people, spouse andnon-spouse old non-empty people. But the difference in education and income are insignificant。2、Sociological materials:(1) 71.9% old people of all are suffering from a certain kind ofdisease. The three most disease they suffer from are hypertension 、arthritis andcardiac-vascular diseases. (2) 64.7% old people live together with their children. (3) The mostimportant problems up what they are facing focus on financial and healthy problem.3、Community nursing needs:(1)41.7% old people believe that community nursing arehelpful or extremely helpful to their life. 40.8% of them choose to receive services fromcommunity nursing stations. The main reason that the old people refuse to receive communitynursing is the problem of cost. (2) The average needs of community nursing are at a mediumlevel and mostly focus on healthy education. (3) The main factors affecting community nursingare knowledge about community nursing, disease numbers and age, etc. 4、QOL: There are significant differences in social function and total scores among the 4groups, but there is no significant difference in all domains and total scores between the empty-nestand non-empty-nest groups. The main factors are disease numbers, economic situation, educationdegree, marriage condition and age, etc. 5、The relationship between QOL and community nursing needs : All domains of QOL aremainly reverse associating with that of community nursing needs, except the material function ofQOL with the health promoting of community nursing needs. Conclusions: The differences in QOL and community nursing needs between the empty-nest andnone-empty-nest are almost insignificant. QOL is mainly reverse associating with communitynursing needs. We must take different measures to different old people.

【关键词】 生存质量社区护理需求老人
【Key words】 quality of lifecommunity nursingneedsthe old people
  • 【分类号】R473.2
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】1187

