

Study on Status of Reproductive Care Among Floating Married Women at Reproductive Age in Guangzhou

【作者】 刘刚

【导师】 吴赤蓬;

【作者基本信息】 暨南大学 , 流行病与卫生统计学, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 目的 了解广州市流动人口已婚育龄妇女生殖保健的状况并对其影响因素进行研究,为提高流动人口生殖健康水平提出合理化的建议和措施。 方法 对2003处9月~2004年10月在广州市计划生育指导所定期查孕、查环的流动人口已婚育龄妇女,采用分层随机抽样的方法抽取1054人作为研究对象。调查内容主要包括:流动人口已婚妇女的一般人口学特征、生殖保健的相关知识和行为、生殖道感染自我报道症状、孕产期保健状况以及对卫生保健的需求等。采用SPSS10.0软件对资料进行分析。 结果 1.人口学特征 本次调查流动人口已婚育龄妇女平均年龄为29.01±4.45岁,文化程度以初中为主,她们在广州职业以工厂打工为主,经济收入普遍较低,来源地主要为湖南、河南和四川等省份。 2.生殖保健相关知识 在被调查的流动人口已婚育龄妇女中有66.6%的人曾经接受过各种生殖保健相关知识的教育。将避孕措施的种类、性传播疾病、艾滋病传播途径方面的知识综合在一起作为生殖保健的相关知识并给予赋分,总分为25分,平均得分为16.12±4.27分。多因素Logistic回归分析影响生殖保健相关知识的因素包括:是否接受过生殖保健相关知识教育、妇女及其丈夫的文化程度、职业和家庭月总收入。 3.生殖保健相关行为 在被调查的流动已婚育龄妇女中,总避孕现用率和流产率分别为91.8%、40.9%。其中有34.9%的人在人流术后出现各种妇科疾病等并发症,并且流动妇女中许多人存在许多不良的卫生行为习惯,如采用盆浴、经期性生活等。 4.生殖道感染自我报道症状 在被调查的流动人口妇女中,52.8%的人在最近一年中有过一种或一种以上生殖道自我报道的症状,其中外阴搔痒、白带异常、生殖器溃疡、非月经期腰背酸痛、尿频尿痛症状的发生率分别为15.8%、38.0%、2.8%、31.9%、6.8%。影响生殖道感染自我报道症状发生的因素包括流产、妇科病/性病、洗澡方式、便后擦纸方向和月经期性生活。 5.初次怀孕的围产期保健 流动人口已婚育龄妇女初次怀孕的活产率为

【Abstract】 Objective To understand the status of reproductive care(RC) among floating married women(FMW) at reproductive age and study some influential factors of RC in Guangzhou, and to provide some reasonable suggestions and measures for enhancing the level of reproductive health among FMW .Methods Stratified random sampling was employed to select FMW who were checked pregnancy. IUD in Guangzhou family planning and guidance unit from September in 2003 to October in 2004. The main content of questionnaire include demographical information, knowledge and behavior of RC, self-reported symptoms of RTIs, prenatal care and demands of RC. All data were analyzed by SPSS 10.0. Results1.Demographical information: The mean age of the FMW was 29.01 ±4.45 years old. and their education were mostly junior high school. Most of them worked in the factory and earned a little. They came from Hunan, Henan, Sichuan province in China. 2. RC related knowledge: Findings showed 66.6% of the FMW had received RC knowledge. Take the knowledge of contraception, STDs, transmission routes of AIDS as RC knowledge, the mean score was 16.12 ± 4.27 among the total score which was 25. Logistic regression showed the influential factors of the total score were whether they had received RC education, their education, their husband education, occupation, income.3.RC related behavior: The rate of contraception was 91.8% of the FMW, most of them selected IUD, condom, female sterilization. The abortion rate was 40.9%, 34.9% of them had gynecologic syndrome. Most of them had ill behavior, such as tubbing, sexual intercourse during menses etc.4.Self-reported symptom of RTIs: 52.8% of FMW reported they had one or more self-reported symptom of RTIs in the last year, the rate of pudendum itch, leucorrhoeaabnormity, ulcer in pudendum, ache in waist or back, urine too much or ache duringemiction were 15.8%, 38.0%, 2.8%, 31.9%, 6.8% respectively. Logistic regressionshowed the influential factors of the self-reported symptom of RTIs were abortion,gynecologic diseases/STDs, tubbing, clean backwards after stool, sexual intercourseduring menses.S.Prenatal care: The rate of birth living-child was 81.0% in the first pregnancyamong the FMW, 56.8% of them had received antenatal check. Most of themdelivered at home (52.4%) and in hospital (41.8%).6. Health care sevices: Among the all FMW. the rate of regular gynecologic checkwas 24.1% in the last year. 44.1% of them were checked gynecologic disease and therate of medical insurance, receiving RC knowledge in Guangzhou, satisfied withgovernment were 10.3%, 65.2%, 77.2% respectively.Conclusionsl.The study showed FMW"s knowledge of RC was not very high and they hadincomplete and incorrect knowledge about RC.2.In order to debase the rate ofRTis. detection earlier, diagnoses earlier, cure earlierby checking regularly is indispensable, thus the FMW’s self-care and demands of RCcould be promoted.3.Based on community, in order to improve female’s reproductive health, it isnecessary to innovate the managing mode of FMW , to found and perfect the newmode which is the same education, supervising and service as local, to supply somefavourable policy for FMW and enhance men’s concern about female’s reproductivehealth.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 暨南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2005年 08期
  • 【分类号】R173
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】529

