

The Population Dynamics of Brontispa Longissima (Getro) and Its Control Methods

【作者】 肖广江

【导师】 李庆; 曾玲;

【作者基本信息】 四川农业大学 , 农业昆虫与害虫防治, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 椰心叶甲Brontispa longissima(Getro)是一种新入侵的危险性有害生物,主要为害棕榈植物。本文通过调查明确了椰心叶甲自然种群和实验种群的种群动态;组建了椰心叶甲实验种群生命表和自然种群生命表;研究了非寄主植物乙醇提取物对椰心叶甲成虫取食、产卵、存活的影响和行为驱避作用;测定了2种杀虫剂对椰心叶甲的毒力,并在此基础上研究了3种杀虫剂的田间控制效果。主要研究结果如下: 1.椰心叶甲种群的年发生动态 椰心叶甲自然种群发生动态的研究表明,该虫在深圳地区大王椰子上一年发生2个明显的高峰期,分别为4月中旬~9月中下旬和10月下旬~翌年1月中旬。全年的最低峰出现在越冬后的2月下旬~3月下旬。在各虫态中,以幼虫的数量较大,其最高峰期出现在5月上旬~6月下旬;成虫最高峰出现在6月下旬~7月下旬;卵的主要高峰期出现在3月下旬~4月中旬和5月下旬~7月上旬;而蛹的数量在各虫态中为最低,其高峰期出现在7月份。 椰心叶甲在刺葵上的自然种群动态调查表明,其发生峰期出现在4月下旬~7月上旬,各虫态的峰期大约相似。但椰心叶甲在刺葵上的种群数量要低于在大王椰子上的种群数量。 椰心叶甲实验种群动态观察结果表明,各虫态的主要高峰期出现在4月上旬~6月下旬和9月上旬~12月上旬,其中以幼虫和成虫的种群数量较大。 2.组建了椰心叶甲实验种群和自然种群生命表 试验结果表明,在实验室条件下椰心叶甲以椰子心叶为食料的种群趋势指数I最大,为34.3359,其次是以假槟榔为食料的I为25.5228,而以大王椰子为食料的I为13.9794,说明椰子是该虫最适合的寄主食料。自然种群生命表的研究表明,椰心叶甲在椰子上的I为17.8303,而在大王椰子上和刺葵上的I分别为12.2781和7.8293,证实椰心叶甲在椰子上的种群数量增长较快。通过自然种群生命表的分析,明确了影响该虫种群数量的主要作用因子是捕食或其他和疾病,也就是天敌和绿僵菌对椰心叶甲具有较强的控制作用。

【Abstract】 Brontispa longissima (Getro) is a new harmful insect invading in China, which feeds on the palmaceous plants. Studies on the population dynamic of B. longissima and its control were carried out. Main research was focused on the following aspects: the investigation of the annual development dynamics of laboratory population and field population of B. longissima; the establishment of the life tables of laboratory population and field population of B. longissima; the repellence and poisonous effects of plant extracts on B. longissima laboratory population; the poisonous effects of some kinds of chemical insecticides on B. longissima in the laboratory and their control effects on the natural population. The main results were as follows:1 The annual population dynamic of B. longissimaThere were two developmental peaks when feeding on Roystonea regia . The first peak was from the beginning of May to the last ten-day of June, and the second peak was from the middle ten days of October to the beginning of January of the next year. The population was lowest during the last ten-day of February to last ten-day of March. The number.of the larvae was largest among the population, the peak was from the first ten-day of May to last ten-day of June. The peak of adult was from the last ten-day of June to last ten-day of July. The major peaks of egg were from the last ten-day of March to middle April and the last ten-day of May to first ten-day of July. The quantity of pupae was lowest among the population, the peak was in July.There was one peak when feeding on Phoenix roebelenii, which was from the last ten-day of April to the middle ten days of July.The laboratory population dynamics showed that the major peaks of population werefrom the first ten-day of April to last ten-day of June and the first ten-day of September to first ten-day of December. The quantity of larva and adult was higher than the other stages.2 Life tables of B. longissima laboratory and natural populationThe index of laboratory population trend (I) of B. longissima on Cocos nucifera, Archontophoenix alexandraev/as and Roystonea regia were 34.43, 25.52 and 13.98 respectively. While the index of natural population trend (I) of B. longissima. on Cocos nucifera, Archontophoenix alexandraev/as and Roystonea regia were 17.83, 12.28 and 7.83 respectively. The result from both laboratory and nature population life table showed that Cocos nucifera was the best host plant. Life table also showed that the major factors affecting the population were prey, illness and others, that meant the natural enemies and Metarhizium anisopliae provided important suppression effect on B. longissima. 3. The bioactivity of alcohol extracts from plant species on adult of B. longissimaThe effect of ethanol extracts from 36 plant species on feeding, survival and repellency of adult of B. longissima were studied. The result showed that 4 extracts, Artemisia brachyloba Franch., Croton tiglium L., Lannata cmara L. and Rhizoma Acoori Graminei (stalk and leaf) showed good effect on feeding deterrent; 5 extracts, Momordica charantia Linn., Ageratum conyzoides L., A. brachyloba, L. cmara and Mikania micraintha L. showed good oviposition deterrent, the interfere index of population control (IIPC )were all lower than 0.15; 5 extracts, Paris verticillata M. Bieb., Rhizoma Acoori and A. brachyloba could increase the mortality of B. longissima; Commelina communis L., A. brachyloba, M. micraintha and L. cmara showed significant repellency effect.4 The virulence of Abamectin and Beta-cypermethrin on B. longissima populationThe LC5o of Abamectin impacting on the egg, larva, pupae and adult was 0.4253 ug/ml, 0.2246ug/ml, 0.5206ug/ml and 0.2801 ug/ml respectively. The influence of Abamectin on these 4 stages could be described by the Virulence Regress Equations: Y\= 5.5000 + 1.3465*1, r2=6.0055+1.5503*2, Jy=5.6290+2.2180*3 and 74=5.5360+1.2759*4 respectively. The LC50 of Beta-cypermethrin impacting on the egg, larva, pupae and adult was 1.8767ug/ml, 2.6499u.g/ml, 1.7890u£/ml and 1.6696u.g/ml respectively. The influence of Beta-cypermethrin on these 4 stages could be described by the Virulence Regress Equations: y,=4.4767+1.9140xi, y2=4.2935+1.6693x2, y3=4.5439+1.8056x3 andy4=4.5861+1.8594x4 respectively.5 The control efficacies of three chemical insecticides on natural population of B. longissimaThe control efficacie of 3 kinds of chemical insecticides, 1.3% Rotenone-Fenvalerate emulsion, 0.3% Azadirachtin EC and 1.8% Abamectin EC at 3 concentrations, 0.1%, 0.05% and 0.033% were studied in the field. The result showed that all 3 kinds of insecticides at concentration of 0.1% gave good control on adult, larva and pupae of B. longissima Seven days after Rotenone-Fenvalerate application, the corrected mortalities (CM) of adult, larva and pupa were 98.52%, 100% and 100% respectively; But when using at concentration of 0.05%, the effect on pupa was not as good as 0.1%, the CMs of the 3 stages were 97.76%, 98.37% and 87.01% respectively; 0.033% was effective on adult, but not effective on larva and pupae, the CMs of the 3 stages were 97.30%, 64.48% and -1.19% respectively. After using Abamectin at concentration of 0.1%, the CMs of adult, larva and pupa were 99.06%, 92.49% and 91.07% respectively; The CMs of adult were 96.80% and 95.16% respectively at concentration of 0.05% and 0.033%,but the effect on pupa was not good. After using Azadirachtin, the CMs of adult, larva and pupa were 94.87%, 94.65%, 94.90% (concentration 0.1%) and 95.72%, 92.32% and 91.07% (concentration 0.2%) respectively; the effect of concentration 0.033% on larva and pupa was not good. These 3 kinds of insecticide could be recommended in the control of B. longissima population.

  • 【分类号】S433
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】318

