

【作者】 余勇

【导师】 程安春; 岳华;

【作者基本信息】 四川农业大学 , 养殖, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 动物疫病是长期制约畜牧业发展和阻碍国际间畜产品贸易的重要因素,也是危害人民食品安全的重要隐患。由于我国地域广阔,畜牧业生产规模化水平参差不齐,动物疫病防治体系尚不完善,使我国动物疫病控制具有一定难度,在国际贸易的风险评估中经常处于不利地位。建设相对独立、相对封闭的无规定动物疫病区示范区将对项目区域内的各项动物防疫工作发挥十分积极的促进作用。 自1998年以来,在农业部的大力支持和正确指导下,我省以建全国无规定动物疫病生猪出口基地为目标,先后在14个市、96个(其中示范区30个、缓冲区32个、无疫区34个)县(市、区)和3个省级单位开展了无规定动物疫病区项目建设。根据国际惯例和标准,在这些区域内运用法律、行政、经济、技术等手段,加强动物防疫体系和基础设施建设,通过免疫和非免疫的综合防治方法,按照预期目标有计划地预防和净化区域内的重点疫病(口蹄疫、禽流感、新城疫、猪瘟四种重点疫病)。通过几年艰苦认真的建设,我省无规定动物疫病区已在这些区域动物疫病防疫方面取得了突破和显著成效,为保护四川畜牧业的发展正显示出其强劲的推动力。 本文首先介绍了无规定疫病区建设的条件,叙述了四川省无规定动物疫病区示范区建设实施方案,阐述了如何完善动物防疫体系保障项目顺利建设,对无规定动物疫病区建设成效进行了论述,最后指出与国际兽医体系的差距,提出了进一步发展和完善无规定动物疫病区的建议。 无规定动物疫病区建设是一件全新的工作和系统工程,关键是长效运行,长期接受“放心肉”市场的检验;长期接受进口国兽医卫生注册的检验。我们要更加严肃认真地工作,努力按照国际规则不断提高建设标准,始终保持同国际市场接轨。我们将在无规定动物疫病区建设的基础上,进一步搞好良繁体系建设和龙头加工企业建设,按温家宝总理的要求,建好无规定动物疫病区生猪出口基地,使四川向全国提供更多的优质安全猪肉产品,使四川向世界出口更多的品牌猪肉制品,促进四川畜牧业持续稳定发展,促进四川农民通过养殖业发展不断增收。

【Abstract】 Animal disease is a major factor to restrict animal husbandry development and encumber international trade of animal products chronically. It’s also a potential danger to human beings. Because China is a vast country, animal husbandry development is unbalance, and animal disease control system is not very well. Our animal products often stand a disadvantage place in risk analysis of international trade because of the animal disease control. Building up relatively independent and closed Model of Animal Disease Free Zone is very helpful to control the animal disease.Animal Disease Free Zone was built up in Sichuan province, including 14 municipals, 96 counties (30 model counties, 32 buffer counties and 34 normal counties), and 3 provincial enterprises, with the help of Ministry of Agriculture of the People’s Republic of China. The final goal was to build Sichuan province as an export base of pigs and its products. Law, administrative measure, economic methods and technology were fully used to strengthen the animal disease control system and infrastructure building up according to the international rules and standards. Important animal disease (FMD, AI, ND, and HC ) would be prevented and cleaned gradually by using vaccination and non-vaccination methods according to the goal. Through several years’ hard work, certain breaking through and good results were achieved in some region of our province. The huge potential effect was showing out for protecting good development of Sichuan animal husbandry.The condition of Animal Disease Free Zone was introduced; construction project of the model of Animal Disease Free Zone in Sichuan was description; how to building up the safeguard system of animal disease prevention was expounded; and effect of Animal Disease Free Zone was discussed finally; point out with the margin of international vet’s system, Put forward the further development with the suggestion of the Animal Disease Free Zone.The construction of Animal Disease Free Zone was a new work, the critical things were its running and the confirmation of the guaranteed Meat (Fang Xin Rou) market chronically. We should go on working hard to build up the Animal Disease Free Zone according to the international standards and keep up with international markets. We should also build up good breeding system and set up model processing companies based on the Animal Disease Free Zone construction. We would build Sichuan province as an export base of pigs and its products according to Premier Wen Jiabao’s claim to provide more and more high quality pig products for our country and the whole world, and bring Sichuan Pig Brand to the world. We should also promote the development of animal husbandry in Sichuan steadily so as to increase the peasant’s income.

  • 【分类号】S851.33
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】266

