

Design and Dynamic Research of Mower

【作者】 马晓春

【导师】 于建国;

【作者基本信息】 东北林业大学 , 机械设计及理论, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 大力发展畜牧机械化是我国现代农业发展的必要条件,只有使畜牧业实现机械化,才能真正提高农业收入,人民的生活水平才得以改善。在畜牧业中牧草的种植、收割、存储等技术都需要改进,农牧民急需适用性能可靠的、价格适中的机械设备,代替手工操作,提高效益,增加收入。 在牧草切割机技术方面,割草机的种类少,构造复杂,维修使用不方便,价格高,基于此本文进行了后悬挂旋转式单圆盘牧草收割机的设计及动态特性分析。 本文首先讨论了割草机切割理论的研究和进展,阐述了国外割草机的发展历程,列举了近几年国内的研究情况以及新型割草机的性能特点,并且提出我国割草机技术的不足与发展趋势。 其次经过讨论筛选确定了收割机的基本结构,旋转式单圆盘割草机,由国产小型拖拉机后侧悬挂带动行进并输出动力,经过万向轴与两级传动,带动刀盘旋转切割,弹簧仿形,刀片固定在圆盘上。通过研究割草机的切割作业过程,对割刀进行受力与运动分析,经过计算确定出收割机的技术参数,为收割机设计提供理论依据。 接着进行了所有零件的设计、计算和校核,画出图纸,确定了各个零件的尺寸、材料,然后对收割机的使用又作了效益分析。 经过对动态特性及机械系统动态的认识,建立收割机动力学数学模型,进行收割机的运动分析,建立运动方程。之后对收割机分解机构,进行各个机构的受力分析,建立矩阵方程。又进行收割机的振动过程分析,建立振动方程,代入参数,得出数据,画出波形图。用MATLAB软件对收割机进行振动状态模拟,提高设计的质量和速度,具有重要的理论价值。

【Abstract】 Devote major efforts to developing mechanization of the livestock farming is essential condition about the modern agriculture of our country. Only when the livestock farming accomplish mechanization, the receipts of agriculture can be raised, and the living standard of the people can be improved. The technologies about hay planting、 hay reaping and hay storing need improve in the livestock farming. The farmers need mechanisms of the reliable quality and the suitable price. So this can replace to be done by hand, and can raise benefit.The type of mowers is lack, and the structure of mowers is complex, the servicing and the employ of mowers are not convenient for the people. So we want to design the hay mower of the single disc rear mounted rotary and analysis the qualities of dynamic.The research and progress of hay reaping theory has firstly been discussed in this paper, then introduce the developing about foreign country, and cited the research situation in the years, and said the characteristic of quality in the new mower, and raised the developing tendencies about our mower.Secondly the basic structure of the mower has been defined after we discussed and screened, rear mounted rotary and single disc. The tractor can output power to mower. This hay mower has power transport and cushioning spring. Then this paper has studied the reaping practice, and analysis of force and movement of the blade and defined the numerical value.Then all parts are designed、 calculated and intended effect. In addition, this paper has carried on the beneficial analysis of the hay mower on the basis of the designed mower, too.This paper has done modeling to analysis force and movement of the every part, and extracted roots. The paper has studied vibration or the mower, and MATLAB dynamic simulation, and raised the quality and speed of design ,and possessed important theory value.

【关键词】 牧草割草机旋转式单圆盘动态分析
【Key words】 haymowerrear mounted rotary mowersingle discdynamic analysis
  • 【分类号】S817.111
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】1270

