

The Design of the Fundamental Platform of Robot Development for Education

【作者】 蒋建武

【导师】 王宜怀;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 本文旨在设计一个以教学为目的的机器人开发平台。该开发平台由三个子平台构成,即机械平台、硬件平台和软件平台。机械平台中包含了各种机械部件,由它们搭建机器人的躯干、手脚等外围的框架。硬件平台是围绕主控芯片MC9S08GB60展开设计的硬件电路板,其中包含了机器人各种控制机构的硬件电路。主控芯片中驻留了自主开发的用于配合PC方软件平台下载用户程序的监控程序以及控制机器人动作的功能性模块。机器人控制程序由用户根据PC方软件平台提供的开发工具自行“定制开发设计”,并“下载”到硬件平台的MCU中执行。软件平台提供了图形化设计界面和类C界面两种设计方式,用户可以根据自身特点选择相应的程序设计方式。该教育机器人基础开发平台主要针对中小学课外科技活动开发,也可供高校学生进行机器人设计、参加机器人设计竞赛之用。文章阐述了整个系统的设计背景、设计思想、软硬件实现方法,并对其中的技术要点进行深入的分析。

【Abstract】 This paper focuses on designing a platform for robot development with educational purpose. The platform is composed of three separate sub-platforms, namely: machinery platform, hardware platform and software platform. The machinery platform includes various machinery parts, which are used to organize robots’ peripheral frameworks, including bodies, arms, legs, etc. The hardware platform is a circuit board designed around the host MCU - MC9S08GB60 and contains hardware circuits for kinds of robot-controlling unit. MCU is the kernel of the hardware platform, with kinds of routines residing in it. These routines includes independently-developed monitor program which can be accessed by PC software to download user program to MCU and functional routines used to control the actions of robot. The user can customize their own robot-control program and download to MCU by using the developing tools presented by the software platform. The software platform provides two development styles: GUI -based style and C-similar style. The user could select the appropriate style according to his/her preference. The fundamental platform of robot development for education is primarily used in elhi extracurricular technological activity. At the same time, the platform can be used to design robot and attend various robot competition. This paper exposed the design background, design conception and implement approach of software and hardware. Beside that this paper also provides in-depth analysis on technological main point.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 05期
  • 【分类号】TP242
  • 【被引频次】17
  • 【下载频次】595

