

Study of the Theory and the Application of the Fourth Party Logistics

【作者】 浦永平

【导师】 马汉武;

【作者基本信息】 江苏大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 信息化与经济全球化的发展使得物流业务空间骤然扩大,在传统的供应商、顾客与第三方物流中需要一个全新的“物流整合者”,去执行全球化的物流运营与管理,第四方物流的概念就是在这个情况下被提出的。研究第四方物流对指导我国工商企业和物流企业改革、整合物流资源、指导物流产业健康成长有着极其重要的意义。 论文以第四方物流为研究对象,全面阐述了第四方物流的相关理论,深入分析了第四方物流的内涵,并且对一、二、三方物流进行了比较分析,提出了第四方物流运作模型。进一步建立了第四方物流的运输网络模型和指派模型,其中:对于运输网络模型的计算,首先在时间窗约束的情况下,运用遗传算法优化最佳运输路径,然后运用线性规划法考虑货物分配,对于指派模型的计算,构建效率矩阵,考虑第三方物流企业与各任务的匹配问题来选择第三方物流企业。结合中国实际情况,从发展第四方物流与传统物流企业的关系入手,通过SWOT分析,指出了我国发展第四方物流的对策,最后以广州安得供应链技术公司为例对第四方物流进行了实证分析。 通过研究,得出以下有益的研究成果和结论: 1.第四方物流作为供应链的组织者,利用电子商务等信息化技术,承担综合物流管理的职责,向客户提供全方位、一站式的物流服务;

【Abstract】 Recently, that the development of informationalization and economic globalization has expanded the space of logistic operation requires a new role who plays "an integrated management" between the traditional vendors, the manufacturers, and the third party logistics (3PL) service providers. The notion of the fourth party logistics (4PL) is the outcome of the integrated management style which is executed in the phase of the global logistical planning management. Studying on the fourth party logistics is helpful to instruct the reforming of industrial and the commercial corporations and the logistic corporations, integrating the logistic resources in our country and developing the logistic industry healthily.The thesis is to widely elaborate the theory about 4PL, deeply analyze the inner meaning of it and the difference between 4PL, 3PL, 2PL and 1PL, and bring forward the operational model of 4PL.Furtherly, the transportation model and assignment mode is constructed . Toward the transportation model, firstly under the consideration of time windows, the routing optimization is implemented by genetic algorithm. Then the model is developed into a linear programming transportation problem and can be computed easily. Toward the assignment problem, the third party logistics companies are selected by the matrix of "efficiency" which is used to evaluate the matching of the companies and jobs. According to the analysis of the situation of a China and the relationship of 4PL and the traditional logistical corporations the countermeasures on the development of the fourth logistics in our country is figured out by an analytic tool —SWOT. The last part is to give an empirical analysis about the fourth party logistics operation with the example of Annto Supply Chain Technology Co., Ltd.The following fruits and conclusions can be attained through the above jobs:1. As the organizer, the fourth party logistics should take on the responsibility of synthesizing logistics management and supply omni-directional and one-stop services.2. The relationship of 4PL and 3PL is symbiotic.3. Developing the fourth party logistics in our country, there is strength andopportunity, and the weakness and threat also exist. The government should exert the administrative function and take the effective measures and strategy.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 江苏大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2005年 08期
  • 【分类号】F252
  • 【被引频次】16
  • 【下载频次】1881

