

【作者】 赵霞

【导师】 梁树新;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 政治经济学, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 反倾销是世贸组织允许的世界各国均可采用的维护公平贸易秩序、抵制不正当竞争的重要手段之一。随着世界关税水平不断降低,非关税壁垒逐步减少,反倾销渐渐演化成各国最普遍采用的保护本国产业的一种手段,为越来越多的国家所运用。但贸易政策探究证明,反倾销是以合法名义行贸易保护主义之实,违背了世贸组织追求贸易自由化的初衷。 中国目前是国际上遭受反倾销投诉最多的国家,入世后,这一状况短期内将不会有很大改变。自二十世纪九十年代以来,对华反倾销案件数量快速增加。发达国家是主要发起国,少数发展中大国对华反倾销立案数量也增长迅速。涉案产品范围广泛,重点集中在中国具有比较优势的产品上,给我国对外贸易造成巨大损失。而究其原因,既有外因,如国际贸易自由化导致反倾销手段使用频率的提高:国外歧视性反倾销政策;中国对外贸易额的迅速增长使他国感到威胁等。也有内因,如:出口结构失衡;我国出口秩序不规范:我国企业应诉不积极,自我保护意识不强等。 笔者认为,应对国外反倾销,必须政府、商会(行业协会)、企业共同努力,在认清国外对我国反倾销严峻形势的基础上,根据自身的不同角色制定不同的对策,相互配合、通力协作,进行全方位应对,才能取得较好的成效。 政府层面的对策: 完善反倾销应诉法律规定,建立我国反倾销法律规则体系。加强政府国际协调和交涉力度,努力争取合理待遇。加强外贸出口管理工作,建立反倾销预警机制。建立反倾销基金、反倾销信息网,为企业反倾销应诉提供资金和信息保障。建立、完善行业协会组织。重新审视贸易战略,扩大内需,减少外贸依存度。对原产地规则进行修订与利用。慎重引进外资。实现出口市场多元化和“走出去”战略。加强反倾销应诉的指导。 企业层面的对策: 配合反倾销调查,积极应诉和抗辩。改变国际营销战略,规范财务会计资料管理。加快会计制度改革,尽早与国际会计制度接轨。加强反倾销应诉。转变营销观念,实施多元化国际营销战略。

【Abstract】 Anti-dumping is one of the important means that World Trade Organization allows every country to adopt, in order to maintain fair trade order and resist the illegitimate competition. As the tariff level in the world is reducing constantly, the non-tariff trade barriers are being reduced progressively, anti-dumping gradually evolves as a generally used measure for all countries to protect their national industries, more and more countries have been using it. But by analyzing trade policy, it is proved that anti-dumping’ s real aim is trade protectionism, though is has a legal name, and it has violated the original intention that World Trade Organization pursues liberalization of trade.China is the most country in the world that complained anti-dumping at present. And this state will not be greatly changed after entering WTO.Since 1990s, anti-dumping cases against China have increased fast. The developed countries are the main sponsor nations, a few big developing countries follows. The products involved in the cases are in extensive range, focus on the products with comparative advantages that China has, thus causes enormous loses to foreign trade. Tracing the reasons, there are external causes as well as internal ones. The external causes are the international liberalization of trade causes the improvement of frequency of utilization of anti-dumping; foreign discriminatory anti-dumping policy; the threat that rapid growth of China’ s foreign trade turnover makes for other countries, etc. The internal causes are: the export mix is out-of-balance; China’ s export is in disorder; enterprises did not take part in lawsuit positively, the sense of self-protection is not strong, etc.Dealing with anti-dumping, governments, association of dealers and enterprises must make joint efforts. On the basis of seeing clearly the severe situation, they should make different countermeasure according to one’ s own different role, cooperate each other.Countermeasures of government: setting up the regular law system of anti-dumping. Strengthening government’ s international coordination and negotiations to get reasonable treatment. Strengthening exporting management and setting up early warning mechanism of anti-dumping. Setting up anti-dumping fund and information network. Setting up and improving the trade association and organization. Examining trade strategy again, expanding domestic demand, reducing the foreign trade depending degree. Revising and utilizing the origin rules. Introducing foreign capital cautiously. Realizing the pluralism of export market and Go-out policy. Strengthening the guidance for lawsuit of anti-dumping cases.Countermeasure of the enterprises : Cooperating with anti-dumping probe, positively take part in lawsuit and contradict . Changing the international marketing strategy, standardizing the financial accounting materials management. Accelerating the reform of the accounting system, integrating with the international accounting system as soon as possible. Changing the marketing idea, implementing the international marketing strategy of the pluralism.Anti-dumping reflects the difficulty and focus of our economics development. By analyzing the trade policy of the anti-dumping and legal rule and combing cases’ analysis, proposing countermeasure ,the aim is to improve our country’ s ability in anti-dumping, raise enterprise’ s competitiveness. This paper relies mainly on the fact analysis together with theory analysis and case analysis, and then draw the conclusion. So its realistic pertinence is relatively strong.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2005年 08期
  • 【分类号】F752.02
  • 【下载频次】270

