

The Combined Inhibitory Action and Development of Three Low-toxic Mould Inhibitors

【作者】 张明辉

【导师】 刘彦;

【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 皮革科学与工程, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 低毒、环保、高效是皮革半成品和成品用防霉剂的发展方向。本项研究采用食品级(山梨酸钾、双乙酸钠)和药物级(制霉菌素)防霉剂进行皮革的防霉试验。在确定了山梨酸钾、双乙酸钠、制霉菌素抑制蓝湿皮霉菌的最低抑菌浓度后,用正交实验法进行复配方案的优选,以血球计数法测定培养液中菌落数来衡量防霉效果。研究发现:pH 值变化对双乙酸钠和山梨酸钾的抑霉性能影响较大。在低pH 值(<4.0)时双乙酸钠和山梨酸钾防霉效果比较好,其最低抑菌浓度分别为3.0g/L 和5.0g/L, pH 值4.0。制霉菌素受pH 值变化的影响较小,最低抑菌浓度为3.0×104μ/ml,pH 值2.0。实验表明铬盐浓度变化不会对这三种防霉剂的防霉效果产生不良影响。三种防霉剂复配的最优方案为:山梨酸钾浓度1.0g/L、双乙酸钠浓度4.0 g/L、制霉菌素选择1.0×104μ/mL,pH值4.0。复配防霉剂的防霉性能比单一防霉明显提高。和单一试剂的最低抑菌浓度比较,山梨酸钾、双乙酸钠和制霉菌素复配后的浓度分别降低了2.0 g/L、1.0 g/L 和2.0×104μ/mL。复合防霉剂的应用实验结果显示:在鞣制工序中加入防霉剂的蓝湿革其收缩温度和未加的很接近,说明防霉剂的加入对鞣制效果影响不大。复合防霉剂加入的最佳时间为加热水1.5h 后。从抗张强度来看,添加防霉剂的或经防霉剂喷涂、浸泡的蓝湿革抗张强度明显高于霉变的蓝湿革,说明皮革防霉的重要性和必要性。实验结果表明:经复合防霉剂浸泡的防霉效果比喷涂的要好。

【Abstract】 To fungicides, there is need for improved systems that are less toxic, more environmentally acceptable and high efficiency. Apply the food preservative and antibiotic to control microbial biodeterioration of leather. Perpendicular experiment and corpuscular count are used to study the antifungal activity of potassium sorbate , sodium diacetate and nystatin. The results indicated that the minimum inhibitory concentration of potassium sorbate and sodium diacetate was 3.0g /L, 5.0g/L respectively, pH was 4.0. the lower the pH of potassium sorbate and sodium diacetate solution,the higher the inhibitory mould action was. The minimum inhibitory concentration of nystatin was 3.0×104μ/mL at pH 2.0. The change of the pH didn’t influence the function of nystatin. The combined inhibitory action tends to be enhanced when pH was 4.0 and potassium sorbate’s concentration was 1.0g/L, sodium diacetate’s was 4.0g/L and nystatin was 1.0×104μ/mL. Comparing with their minimum inhibitory concentration, the concentration of potassium sorbate, sodium diacetate and nystatin used in the combined mould inhibitory experiments was decreased 2.0g/L , 1.0g/L, 2.0×104μ/mL respectively. The results of using the combined fungicides on the leather showed that the Ts of the leather with fungicides and the leather without was almost the same. It indicated that the fungicides did not influence the chrome tannage. The optimal time to add the combined fungicide in was 1.5h after adding hot water. Adding the combined inhibitors in tanning was better than using nystatin only. The tensile strength of the leather treated with fungicides was higher than that of the mildewed leather. The effect of dipping the wet blue in the combined inhibitors was better than that of the spraying samples.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 四川大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2005年 08期
  • 【分类号】TS202.3;TS52
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】538

