

Experience-based CAPP Decision Model and System

【作者】 程鲲

【导师】 赵武;

【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 机械制造及其自动化, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 自1965年开始研发CAPP以来,已有很多不同类型的CAPP系统问世,尤其在八十年代以后,由于CAPP在CIMS和IMS等先进制造系统中的重要作用,CAPP越来越引起人们的重视。然而。同CAD、CAM等计算机辅助技术相比,CAPP在应用方面仍是薄弱环节。 传统CAPP过分强调对零件信息的自动获取、工艺决策的自动化和智能化,但由于工艺决策的复杂性和非结构性使其难以建立通用的模型,限制了它的应用。因此,当前许多企业转而使用填表式CAPP系统,此类CAPP系统多是基于Word/Excel/AutoCAD等通用软件开发的工艺卡片填写系统,未能体现“计算机辅助工艺设计”的辅助特点,工艺设计因人而易,不利于工艺的标准化。本文基于对以上问题的分析,提出了基于经验的计算机辅助工艺决策模型及系统,其运用了CAPP工具化的思想,重点从注重工艺过程的自动生成,转向从整个产品工艺设计的角度,为工艺设计人员提供辅助工具,同时有利于企业信息集成。 CAPP系统中的信息主要有三种:与企业状态无关的信息、企业现有的资源状况信息以及企业的工艺经验信息。前两种信息可以通过通用的CAPP系统来进行处理,第三种信息是一个企业的最重要的信息之一,而目前的CAPP系统大都没有很好地把它管理和使用起来,影响了CAPP系统的实用化。本文针对企业的工艺经验信息提出了科学的管理和使用方法,同时配合通用CAPP系统形成基于经验的计算机辅助工艺设计的工具型CAPP系统,这样,CAPP系统在面向各类企业移植时就可以保持系统框架不变,从而使CAPP系统应用于不同的企业,并适应企业动态发展的变化。

【Abstract】 Since CAPP development started in 1965, various types of system of CAPP has come into being, especially after 1980s. Owing to the important role of CAPP in the advanced manufacturing system such as CIMS and IMS, CAPP has attracted more and more attention. However, compared with other computer aided technology such as CAD and CAM, CAPP is still a weak point.Traditional CAPP mainly focuses on automatic acquirement of parts information, automation and intelligence of process decision. But it is hard to set up a general model for complicate and non-structural process decision, limiting its wide application. Therefore many enterprises take form-filling CAPP systems. These are mostly card-filling systems for process based on general software like Word/Excel/AutoCAD, not showing the features of computer aided design. Designs will change with different people, not good for standardization of process. Therefore the paper raised experience-based computer aided process decision model and system. The focus are from the automation of process courses to provide designer aided tools based on the whole product process planning, also helpful to information integration.There are 3 types of information in CAPP system: information unrelated to situations of enterprises, information of present resources, and information of process planning experiences. The first two kinds of information can be dealt with by general CAPP, The third kind of information is the most important information for enterprises, but present CAPP systems have not taken the full functions forinformation management and usage, affecting the application of CAPP. As to information of enterprise’s process planning experience, the paper raises scientific methods for management and usage. Meanwhile based on general CAPP systems, we may develop tool-CAPP system experience-based computer aided process design. Thus the frame of CAPP system may keep unchanged when employed by different enterprises. Correspondingly, CAPP will be taken by different enterprises and adaptive to update changes.Process decision is a typical half structuralized course based on human-computer intercourse. The decision is multiple-targeting, with complicated restriction, demanding experiences and individuality. It is also somehow random. It is relatively difficult to solve the problem. The paper raises solution to process planning decision based on classified planning, dividing the decision into 4 levels and 10 reasoning engines. The 10 reasoning engines are processing method chioce, machine choice, tool choice, and cutting parameters choice modules etc. The 10 modules and general-control level process decision modules are combined to be aided tools for process planning decision, and providing designers with the most direct help.Under the planning, the paper analyzes five modules in details, including process route decision, processing method chioce,machine choice, tools choice and cutting parameters choice. Various factors have the influence on process decision with different extent. Thus the decision-making module and system is set up based on experiences, and the experiences of an enterprise will be of great effect. Besides the applied CAPP system, the paper tries to put general decision strategy in the system, and completes relative calculating methods (such as machine cost inquiry for machine choice module), thus offering designers more help for aided decision.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 四川大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 01期
  • 【分类号】TP391.72
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】272

