

Research on Modified Natural Polymeric Cationic Flocculants

【作者】 陈捷

【导师】 丁永生;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 环境科学, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 据估计,2010年后,我国给水、废水净化处理工程对净水剂的年总需求量约为150~180万t,年产值为20~30亿元。但目前我国絮凝剂年产量约60~80万t,且产品多为粗制品,品种单一,已不能满足我国城市和工业用水处理的需求,尤其对今后持续增长的城镇及工业用水,以及城镇污水与工业废水回用处理的需求,缺口较大,具有巨大应用市场前景。因此,新型、高效净水剂是当前环保产业技术领域中重点发展的支柱产业。本课题正是顺应这一发展趋势而提出来的。 本文介绍了以200目(74um)的玉米芯粉为原料,环氧丙烷基-三甲基-铵盐OMTMA(oxiranylmethyl-trimethyl-ammonium,三甲胺与环氧氯丙烷反应产物)为阳离子醚化剂,进行改性合成天然有机高分子改性阳离子絮凝剂的具体过程,并通过正交实验确定了最佳的合成条件(4g玉米芯粉):碱化温度50℃、碱化时间30min、反应温度40℃、反应时间2h、OMTMA用量为20ml。由于粒径的减小,颗粒的表面积增大,表面活性增强,因此,在反应中不必采用引发剂芬顿试剂。 通过采用高岭土和硅藻土等两种体系,并与无机絮凝剂(六水合氯化铝)和有机絮凝剂(聚丙烯酰胺)进行比较,分别对投加量、pH值适用范围、对体系pH的影响、温度、絮凝速度以及产生絮体的形状大小等絮凝性能参数进行了评价,从而得出天然高分子改性阳离子絮凝剂制备的优化条件和应用条件。 与传统絮凝剂比较,该絮凝剂最大优点在于它以颗粒形式分布在水体中,当絮凝体形成后,絮凝剂颗粒与絮凝体共同沉淀,因此,絮凝剂不在水中残留,保证水质安全。 将其应用于天然地下水、城市生活污水、工业废水的处理中,结果表明其具有具有良好的絮凝净化效果,尤其适用于由无机物引起的高浊度水质的净化过程。 通过对市场的调查研究,运用成本核算的方法对其应用前景进行预测,该技术的推广和应用将获得可观的经济效益和社会效益。

【Abstract】 The estimated annual aggregate demand of the water purification reagent used in water supply and waste water treatment in our country is about 15~18 million tons and the total annual output is about 2~3 billion yuan after the 2010. While the present annual production of flocculants in our country is only about 6~8 million tons. Most of them are coarse varieties which can not meet the needs of water treatment in live and industry. We could predict that there is a wide market demand of water supply for in cities and towns as well as the urban sewage and industrial sewage reuse, which are increasing rapidly in the following years. Therefore, some newly-developed, high-efficient water purification reagent will bring up a pillar industrial development both in the technological investigations and in the environmental protection applications. This study is based on the above considerations to follow the steps of the national and international development tendency.This study introduces a mothed to prepare a natural organic polymeric modified cation flocculant. It was made from corncob powder (p =74 um ) as raw materials, and OMTMA (oxiranylmethyl-trimethyl-ammonium, made from trimethylamine and epichlorohydrin) as cationic etherizing reagent. The optimum reactions were established through orthorhombic experiments (the corncob powder of 4 g ) : Firstly, corncob powder was alkalified at 50℃ for 30 minutes. Then it was etherified at 40℃ for 2 h using 20 ml OMTMA. Because the micro-scale particle leads to surface area increase and effective activity, the reaction steps was reduced by removing the use of initiating fenton reagent.Two kinds of systems including kaolin and kieselguhr were used to evaluate the efficiency of the flocculation. Comparing with the inorganic flocculant (Aluminum chloride hexahydrate ) and the organic flocculant (polyacrylamide ), we investigated the parameters including dosage, pH application scope, system pH shift, temperature, flocculating speed as well as the size and shape of woolly masses, respectively.Consequently, we acquired the optimized conditions of preparation and applications.Compared with some traditional market flocculant, this product has it own merit, as it disperses in water in mini-partical state. If the sediment was formed, it agglutinates together with the deposit, therefore it leaves no remains in the water and keep the environmerntal safty.Application of the flocculant to the treatment of natural ground water, urban sanitary sewage and industrial sewage, it shows great efficency, particularly for the treatment of highly turbided water caused by inorganic pollutant.After market investigations and cost accounting, we present the application prospect of this product. If it were put into use in wide scale, a considerable economical and social benefit would be acquired.

  • 【分类号】X703.5
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】442

