

Research of Interests Conflict in Eminent Domain and Its Adjustment Mechanism

【作者】 陈江红

【导师】 聂琦波;

【作者基本信息】 南京工业大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 城市房屋拆迁是个关系到城市建设与发展,关系到保护群众利益、维护社会稳定、推进城市化进程、拉动区域经济发展的重大现实问题。近年来随着城市在区域经济发展中的核心地位的不断增强,城市建设的规模、力度、速度也不断增强扩张,拆迁规模随之急剧膨胀,因拆迁导致的政府、拆迁人、被拆迁人间的利益冲突博弈日益激烈,由此引发的社会问题和矛盾受到社会各界的广泛和高度关注,成为一时的社会焦点。从现实情况看,城市房屋拆迁中的利益冲突及其调整机制研究,是国内城市建设和发展中落实科学发展观所急需解决的一个重大理论和现实问题。国内关于该问题的研究近两年渐成城市建设和发展理论研究中的一个热点,但总起来看,当前对城市拆迁相关问题的研究还比较零散,系统全面而深入的理论研究十分缺乏,来源于实践性的总结和调研内容多,提高到社会学、管理学理论方面的研究少,指导实践的理论成果少。国外关于该问题的研究也不多,主要是在政府征用和城市公共管理方面有所涉及。本文主要从以下几个方面探讨城市房屋拆迁利益冲突及其调整问题: 首先,对城市房屋拆迁中的利益冲突进行了有创新的理论研究,从社会学的角度,分析了拆迁利益冲突的成因、类型、根源和焦点所在,探讨利益冲突的市场化调节机理。其次,从树立科学发展观、规范拆迁工作、建立合理的拆迁补偿模式及完善住房社会保障等角度来分析实现拆迁工作科学化、程序化、规范化操作的途径和方法。通过建立完整的、满足指导当前拆迁工作需要,能动态适应城市建设发展要求,基于市场化模式的合理、公平、高效的利益冲突的调整机制,解决当前拆迁难题,维护拆迁各方的正当合法权益,促进城市建设健康发展。再次,本文从发展社区的角度对拆迁方式进行了理论上的探索和创新。提出要大力发展社区,发挥社区居民的主动性,通过居民自治组织参与项目决策,从而形成政府、拆迁人、被拆迁居民三者权利的制衡,使拆迁居民由相对被动劣势转变为主动优势,积极参与项目的决策和建设,从而使个人效益和社会效益达到最大化。

【Abstract】 The eminent domain, which plays a quite important role in city construction and development, which concerns to protect citizen interests, maintain the social stabilization, improve the urbanization process and promote the local economic development. In recent year, the urban has been constantly reinforced its core status in local economic development. Accordingly, the urban construction has been increased its scale and speed, in accordance with which the eminent domain has made a tremendous scale also. Consequently the interests conflict among the government, the remover and the removed has become more furious, which brings much more social problem and conflict raises common social attention and becomes social focus. By the look of reality, the research in interests conflict and adjustment mechanism related to eminent domain is a theoretical and realistic problem, which is a requirement to carry out scientific development view in urban construction and development. During the recent two years, domestic researches about related problems have become a focus gradually. But in general, the related research about eminent domain is still relatively scattered, the theoretical researches with overall and deep system are very scarce, and most of these researches are only simply summaries of the practical investigation and researches content and so on, all these researches have not advanced to theoretical researches in sociology and management, so there has been no guidance of theoretical achievement. The researches about this problem are not much abroad also, which mainly involves to some extent in government’s requisition and urban public management. This thesis mainly probes into the interests conflict and adjustment mechanism happened in eminent domain. At first, aiming at the interests conflict happened in the eminent domain, this thesis carries out an innovative theoretical research, analyses the origin cause of formation, type, origin and focus of this interests conflict from the sociology aspect, probes into regulating mechanism by marketization in interests conflict. Secondly, from the aspect establishing the scientific development view, standardizing removal task, setting up reasonable removal compensating mode and perfecting house social security, this thesis has analysed the way and method how to realize scientific, process, procedure removal operation. Through setting up a rational, fair, high-efficient adjustment mechanism which is intact, satisfying and guiding eminent domain need at present, and meets the developing needs of urban construction dynamically, and bases on market-based mode, the difficult problem in eminent domain at present is solved, the proper legitimate rights and interests of each side is safeguarded, the healthy development of urban construction is promoted. Moreover, about eminent domain, this thesis has carried on the exploration and observation in theory in term of developing the community. This thesis proposes developing the community actively, exerting the initiative of community residents, participating in the project and making policy through resident’s autonomy organization, then forms the interests balance among the government, the removal and the removed, makes the removed change into the initiative advantage from the relatively passive inferior position, and participate in the decision and construction of the project actively, thus the benefit maximization between the persona and society is made. Finally, this thesis did analysis to current situation and development trend of eminent domain in terms of urbanization, it is only a phased contradiction in the process of urbanization of our country. With the setting up and amplifying of national relevant policies and regulations, and with the correct formulation and implementing of the regional removal policies, the contradiction in eminent domain will be relaxed gradually. When the urbanization becomes a certain level, the city is becoming ripe more and more, the amount of eminent domain will reduce gradually too. The purpose that this thesis study is, by the Systematic theory analysis of interests conflict in eminent domain, to set up a set of science , objective , removal policies system of urban house of marketization with strong effectiveness; bycatching a focus in interests—the question of compensating in eminent domain, to realize to interests analyse in deep and benign regulation and control of conflict in eminent domain.

  • 【分类号】F299.2
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】1154

