

Study of Saving Energy on Controlling Technology by Adjusting Input Voltage of Electromotor in Water Injection System

【作者】 戴晓春

【导师】 王奎升;

【作者基本信息】 北京化工大学 , 化工过程机械, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 随着油田进入高含水开发期,注水量大幅度增加,注水系统耗电量也大幅度加大,成为造成油田电力紧张的重要原因之一。因此,开展注水系统的节能研究已经成为刻不容缓的事情。 在广泛分析了众多注水系统节能措施后,本文选择了调电机端电压调速节能的方法进行研究。注水泵机组采用调压调速系统后,泵站就可以根据实际需要的流量来调节电机的转速,并保证了电机仍在高效区运行,从而减少了不必要的能耗。调压调速节能,具有投资小,调节简单,维修方便等优点,是一种具有广泛应用前景的节能方法。 本文主要对以下几个方面进行了研究并得出了相应的结论: (1) 通过理论分析油田注水系统使用调电机端电压调速节能的可行性,指出调压的范围不能太大,在大范围内运行效率不高。一般的调压范围最好限定在额定电压的10%左右。 (2) 本文以欧姆龙CPM1A-30CDR型可编程控制器(PLC)为核心,加上模拟量输入模块和压力变送器构建了整个调压调速控制系统,实现了调压调运的自动化控制。 (3) 通过室内对5.5KW电机进行调端电压实验以及对实验数据的分析可知,调压调速的节能方法在异步电动机拖动泵类负载的系统轻裁时具有一定的节能效果。 (4) 本文最后提出了增大调压范围的措施和进一步研究的建议。

【Abstract】 A mass of water needs to be injected into the wells because of high level containing water oil fields, so electric energy consuming increased greatly. This is one of the important reasons of short of electric power. So. saving energy in injection system has no time to delay.Based on analyzing many measures of saving energy in water-injectionsystem--technology by adjusting input voltage of electromotor in waterinjection system is chosen to research in this thesis.Pump station can adjust the electromotors’ rev according to the practical flux when the method of adjustment rev by adjusting input voltage of electromotor is adopted. This measure can make electromotors run in high efficiency, so that reduces much unnecessary waste of energy. The measure has some advantages such as less cost, adjusting simpleness, maintain convenience, etc. and it has an wide application foreground.Several aspects are studied and some conclusions are got in this thesis: (1) The feasibility of adjusting input voltage to saving energy is analyzed in detail according to theories. It is point out that the adjustment rage of input voltage is not extensive and the best adjusting rage was about

  • 【分类号】TE934.1
  • 【下载频次】176

