

The Debating of the Relation between Shape and Spirit and Taoism in Pre-Qin in South-North Dynasties

【作者】 吴勇

【导师】 陆建华;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 中国哲学, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 南北朝是佛教崛起、完成本土化的重要时期,由此引起了哲学史上比较集中的形神之辩。南北朝形神之辩主要是在佛教与中国传统的儒道哲学之间进行的,本文要论述的是这一时期佛道两家形神之辩与先秦道家的关系。 南北朝形神之辩主要发生在南朝,从晋宋之际至梁朝是其重点,主要人物有牟子、慧远、何承天、宗炳、郑鲜之、范缜等。北朝佛教传播的特点是重禅修而轻理论,形神之辩代表性的人物是杜弼与邢邵。本文以神灭派和神不灭派双方代表性人物为主要线索,着重阐发双方在论辩形神关系时对先秦道家思想的继承与利用。神灭派所持论点主要析取了先秦道家“道”本原论、气一元论、天道自然论,但其不足之处是,虽然认为神也是气,但以形神为二,不能有效地反对神不灭派形粗神妙观点。在缺点不断暴露的情况下,至梁朝范缜彻底对形神观加以改造,提出“形神相即”、“形质神用”的命题。神不灭派以佛教神不灭论为基础,而重点借用先秦道家思想对其进行加工,利用老庄等重神轻形以及由此导致的神不灭论的倾向,来说明形神为异、形粗神妙。同时他们也以先秦道家的本体论、本原论为范本,努力提高神的地位,逐步使神抽象化,成为脱离形体的超验存在。形神之辩的交结点是《庄子》的薪火之喻,双方在薪火之喻上的交锋集中反映了他们理论的进展状况。

【Abstract】 The South—North Dynasties were important period that Buddhism emerged, finished the localization, therefore caused the concentrating debating of relation between shape and spirit in the philosophy history. The debating of the relation between shape and spirit in the South—North Dynasties was mainly carried on among Buddhism and a philosophy of China’s traditional Confucianism and Taoism, this text expounds the fact is views of the relation between shape and spirit of Buddhism and Taoism of the pre-Qin period.In the South-North Dynasties, the debating of the relation between shape and spirit mainly took place in the South Dynasties, Song, Qi, Liang should be paid more attention on. Not Mou Zi, Hui Yuan, He ChengTian , Zong Bing, but Fan Zheng were intelligent personages. In North Dynasties, Buddhists paid more attention on how to do than on theory, the representatives are Du Bi and Xing Shao. The paper’s clue is persons of both sides, and we paid attention to explain the both sides how to inherit and develop Taoist’s theories of the relation between shape and spirit. Philosophers who kept that spirit must die out expressing a view and extracting a natural theory of monism of air, it taking Dao as highest noumenon of Taoism of the pre-Qin period more mainly a bit, but its weak point is, though think that spirit’s essence is air, spirit and shape are two things, can’t object to the view that shape is coarse and spirit is fine effectively. In a situation that the shortcoming was exposed constantly, in Liang Dynasty, Fan Zhen transformed the view of the relation between shape and spirit, proposed the proposition that "Shape and spirit are not depart from each other", "Shape is essence and spirit is function"; Philosophers who kept that spirit never dies out went from Buddhism, and used the thought of Taoism of the pre-Qin period and process it especially, utilized the theories of Lao Zi and Zhuang Zi, etc. that valued spirit more than shape, and obvious thought spirit does not die out, to proved shape and spirit are different, shape is coarse and spirit is fine. At the same time they studied ontology of Taoism of the pre-Qin period as the model, made great efforts to improve spirit’s status, made spirit to be abstract to take progressively. The debating of the relation between shape and spirit jointed with the trope of firewood and fire in Zhuang zi, their explanations of the trope is a concentrated reflection of their progress state.

【关键词】 道家南北朝
【Key words】 ShapeSpiritTaoismthe South—North Dynasties
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 03期
  • 【分类号】B235
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】366

