

Study on the Theory and Parameters of Surface Subsidence Prediction of the Overlying Strata and Bed-Separation Under Grouting

【作者】 张鑫磊

【导师】 高延法;

【作者基本信息】 山东科技大学 , 采矿工程, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 覆岩离层注浆减沉法是控制地表沉陷的一种主动方法,自1986年齐东洪高工和范学理教授等在抚顺老虎台矿进行工业性试验并取得成功后,发展到现在,该技术无论从理论上还是工程实践上都得到了进一步完善和发展。我国先后有多矿进行了离层注浆减沉试验,并取得了一定的减沉效果和经济效益。 为了应用相似材料模拟试验分析采场上覆岩层及地表移动规律,并使模拟试验成果定量化,提出了新的相似材料模拟技术方案——恒温恒湿密闭相似材料模拟试验。通过分析模拟试验过程中的主要误差来源及其可控性,以弹性力学为基础,建立了相似材料模拟试验的误差补偿理论。 在相似材料模拟试验的基础上,采用数值仿真方法,进行了具体地质采矿条件下的采场上覆岩层动态移动规律研究,模拟了随工作面推进地表的移动规律。 根据关键层理论,分析了覆岩地层结构与离层的关系,探讨了覆岩离层发育过程的阶段性和周期性。根据岩石的抗压不抗拉特性,以岩石应变为指标,由岩梁挠曲方程,分析了横向上岩层的断裂发育规律,并推导了基于岩石应变的岩梁断裂步距表达式,分析了覆岩离层的发育程度与采宽的关系。 本论文结合了国家自然科学基金项目——覆岩离层规律的贝叶斯动态模型预测与注浆减沉机理研究[批准号:50174035],对覆岩离层注浆条件下的地表沉陷预计理论与参数进行了研究。 本文主要研究了注浆条件下地表沉陷的预计方法,应用“注采比”的概念来评价注浆减沉效果,分析了灰体分布对下沉的影响,探讨了注浆量和地表采动程度对注浆减沉率的影响。根据减沉率和注采比的函数关系,分析了函数关系式中的计算参数(减沉体积系数和塌陷体积系数)与地表采动充分程度的关系。在理论分析的基础上,结合工程实践,初步总结了注浆减沉条件下的地表移动规律。

【Abstract】 Method of reducing subsidence by grouting in bed-separations in overburden is a active one to control surface subsidence. By this time, the technology is advanced in theory and engineering. Many mines took the test of reducing subsidence by grouting in separations in China, and succeeded.The new scheme of equivalent materials simulation technique, simulation test of equivalent materials under constant temperature and humidity is proposed. The purpose is to analyze the law of the overlying strata displacement and the surface subsidence by model experiment of equivalent materials and to make the simulation results quantitative. On the base of Elastic Mechanics, theory of offset error is founded through analyzing the main origin of error and its amenability in the course of experiment.The dynamic displacement of overburden strata and surface is studied by adopting the method of numerical simulation, under the condition of idiographic geology. The process of the movement of surface with the face advanced is simulated factually.According to theory of key strata, the relation between overlying strata structure and bed-separations developing process is discussed. The stage property and period property of bed-separations development is also analyzed. The development law of strata fracture is analyzed in the cross direction by use of the equation for the deflection of strata beam. This depends on the strata’ s property of anti-pressure and non-anti-tensibility. At the same time, this takes the strain as index. The expression of strata beam’ s fracture distance between two steps is deduced based on its strain. The relation between development of bed-separations and width of face is also analyzed.The thesis combines to National Natural Science Foundation (NO. 50174035). The method of estimating the surface subsidence under grouting is studied. The effect of reducing subsidence is evaluated by the ratio of mining and grouting. The distribution of fine coal ash influences upon subsidence is analyzed. The

  • 【分类号】TD325
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】599

