

Development of PID Autotuning Software Package Based on Relay Feedback and Related Algorithms Study

【作者】 庄轶群

【导师】 薛定宇;

【作者基本信息】 东北大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 PID调节器具有结构简单、适应性强、不依赖于被控对象的精确模型、对系统参数变化的鲁棒性较强等优点,因此在难以建立精确模型的工业过程控制中应用广泛。PID控制的效果好坏对产品的产量和质量都有着重大的影响。因此对PID控制器设计和参数整定问题的研究不但具有理论价值更具有很大的实践意义。 但在实际应用中PID控制器参数大多是依赖控制工程师所积累的现场调节经验来实现整定的,因而往往很难达到令人满意的程度。在日本、加拿大和英国对工业实践最近进行的调查显示,实际状况是超过90%的控制回路是PID类型的,其中30%的控制器是在手动模式下操作的,并且有20%的回路使用的是工厂现场经验整定,仅有很小比例的控制回路工作在良好整定的条件下。尤其对于时变或非线性系统,随着生产过程或负载变化使系统模型发生改变时,PID控制器参数往往不能及时被调整。可见在工业实践中PID控制器是广泛应用但普遍缺乏整定的。 针对这些问题本文作了如下的工作。首先对PID控制器的参数整定和自整定问题进行了比较系统的综述。重点讨论了基于继电反馈试验的自整定算法及其相关问题。其次对增强继电反馈试验的方法进行了系统的研究,其基本思想是通过应用整形后的继电信号来提高自整定的性能。针对应用饱和继电环节来提高继电试验精度的问题也进行了定量的分析,总结了相应的试验过程并完成了仿真实验。通过对具有不稳定零极点系统继电反馈的深入研究,找到了该类系统继电试验失效的原因及其预防措施。此外对负载扰动情况下的继电反馈问题进行了分析,并通过应用输出偏置继电克服了负载扰动的影响。 最后在算法研究的基础上,在Matlab 6.5环境下开发了基于继电反馈方法的PID自整定软件包(PCPA—PID Controller Parameter Autotuner)。该软件包通过继电反馈的方法对系统的频域信息进行了辨识,并简单有效的实现了、PID控制器参数的自动整定。PCPA软件包为控制工程师和研究工作者改善控制器性能或解决实际问题(如现场快速整定PID控制器参数或先进控制算法的参数初始化)提供了一个良好的实用工具。

【Abstract】 PID controller has a simple structure with excellent adaptability and robustness to parameter change without dependence on accurate process model. So it has widely application in the process control field especially when it is difficult or impossible to get the accurate process model. The performance of the PID controller has great influence on the quantity and quality of the product. So the researches on the PID controller design and its tuning algorithms have not only much value in theory but also significant meaning in practice.But in practice, most tuning processes of the PID controller depend on the engineers’ reckoning with his own practical experience or even by error and try tests which are both time consuming and not very satisfactory. The surveys over industrial practices in Japan, Canada and UK indicate that more than 90% of the control loops are of the PID typed where about 30% of the controllers are operated in manual model and 20% of the loops use factory tuning. The conclusion is that only a small proportion of the control loops work on well tuned condition. The PID controller parameters are always not well tuned in time especially when the process is time variant and nonlinear or has large and frequent load disturbance. In one word, we can get the conclusion that PID controllers are most widely applied but poorly tuned in the industrial practice.As a step in the direction of solving the above problem, some researches on the PID autotuning algorithms were done and a PID autotuning software package was developed. In this thesis, the main contributions are summarized as follows. Firstly, the problem of PID controller design and different autotuning algorithms were introduced and analyzed. Then the problem of relay feedback autotuning approach was mainly discussed. Secondly, the problem of the improved relay feedback method was in-depth analyzed. The key idea of using the saturation relay feedback is to enhance the information getting from the relay feedback experiment by using the "shaped" relays. The reason of the failing of relay feedback tests and methods to prevent it were analyzed through the

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 东北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2005年 07期
  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】561

