

A Study of Qingshi

【作者】 曾礼军

【导师】 桂栖鹏;

【作者基本信息】 浙江师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 《情史》是明代冯梦龙辑评的一部重要文言小说集。冯梦龙以“情”为主线把上起周秦下至明代相关的870余篇文言小说分为二十四类进行编纂加工,并且对其进行评点。它不仅是研究冯梦龙的哲学思想和文学思想不可或缺的一本书,也是认识晚明社会文化思潮的一扇窗口,同时书中也汇集了中国古代许多关乎“情”的优秀文言小说。因此,研究此书具有重要的意义。 本文从《情史》的成书背景条件、辑评者考辨、题材探源以及情教说等四个方面来对其进行全面系统的研究,而尤以《情史》的题材探源和情教说为全文的研究重点。 《情史》的成书条件主要有三个方面:一是高度繁荣的印刷出版业为其成书提供了便利的印刷条件;二是专题性文言小说类书的编纂为其成书树立了流行的文本范式;三是尊情思潮下的尊情文学为其成书酝酿了良好的文学背景。 考辨冯梦龙为《情史》的辑评者,主要是通过对记载《情史》为冯梦龙所编纂的文献资料的梳理,《情史》与《三言》两者间取材相同篇目的对比,《情史》与《古今谭概》、《智囊》的体例、取材、分类方式和评点之间相似性的比较,以及对《情史》篇首的两篇序言和书中评点内容进行辨析等途径来进行的。 《情史》的题材探源是本文研究的一个重点内容,主要包括三个方面:一是考证《情史》题材的出处。本文首次对《情史》的小说题材出处逐条考证分析,考证出其中600余篇的题材出处,约占全书篇目的三分之二。二是对《情史》取材特点进行归纳。通过分析归纳可以发现,《情史》取材有两个突出特点:第一,《情史》取材具有广泛性和专题性特点,即《情史》取材的涉及面非常广,但又紧紧围绕“情”的主题来选材;第二,对《太平广记》这部小说类书独有情钟,《情史》中共有170篇小说见于《太平广记》,约占《情史》篇目总数的五分之一。三是分析《情史》题材的再创造性。《情史》虽为一部文

【Abstract】 ABSTRACT: Qingshi, edited and commented by Feng Menglong in the Ming Dynasty, is an important collection of novels in classical Chinese. Feng Menglong classified more than 870 novels in classical Chinese from Zhou and Qin to the Ming Dynasty into twenty four categories with the main thread of "love". He did the compilation and appended his own comments on the selected novels. It is not only an indispensable book to study Feng Menglong’s philosophy and thoughts on literature but also a window to understand the socio-cultural ideology in the late Ming Dynasty. Meanwhile there are many excellent love novels in classical Chinese in ancient China. Therefore, it is of great importance to study this book.This thesis makes a thorough and systematic study of Qingshi in terms of the background and conditions of compiling this book, the confirmation of the editor and commentator, the exploration of theme sources and the theory of emotional education, among which the last two are the main concern of this thesis.There are three conditions for the making of Qingshi. The highly prosperous printing industry is the first condition for this book to be printed. Moreover, compilation of novels in classical Chinese on a special topic sets up a popular compilation model for this book. Furthermore, the literature with reverence for love under the trend of revering love constitutes a good literature background for this book.To confirm Feng Menglong as the editor and commentator of Qingshi, the author makes an attempt 1) to sort out the literature in which Qingshi is said to be compiled by Feng Menglong, 2) to contrast the articles with others on the same theme in Qingshi and San Yan, 3) to compare the style, theme, way of categorization and comments in Qingshi,A Brief Collection of Ancient and Modern Jokes and Brain Trust, and 4) to differentiate two prefaces and the comments in Qingshi.To explore the theme sources of Qingshi, one main concern of this study, the author makes his efforts in the following three aspects. 1) The author attempts to verify the theme sources of every novel in Qingshi one by one. The theme sources of more than six hundred articles have been identified, which occupies about two thirds of the total number. 2) Then the author summarizes the characteristics of the theme sources in Qingshi. Two noticeable features are found. One is the theme sources are characterized by the generality and special particularity, that is, materials in Qingshi are selected from various sources but they center around the theme of "love". The other is that Qingshi has a particular liking for the book Tai Ping Guang Ji, Altogether one hundred and seventy novels in Qingshi, about one fifth of the total number, are found in Tai Ping Guang Ji. In addition, the author analyzes the recreation of the theme sources of Qingshi. Qingshi is a collection of novels in classical Chinese, but it is the result of the creative work of the compiler. This kind of creation is not only displayed by compiling and commenting on the whole book but also by reorganizing the materials, deleting and refining the plots, polishing the words and changing the titles as well.The theory of emotional education as the ideological significance of Qingshi is another important concern of this study. This thesis, from the new angle of "nature" and "love" in ancient times, studies Feng’s theory of emotional education by comparing different attitudes toward "nature" and "love" in the feudal ethical code and the emotional education. This is mainly carried out at three levels. The first level is on the differentiation of "nature" and "love". There were three theories on this issue, namely, the theory of nature as source and love as presentation, the theory of nature as yin and love as yang, and the theory of nature like water and love like waves, all of which revere reason and depreciate emotion. This is the theoretical foundation for research into the difference between the

  • 【分类号】I207.419
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】468

