

Study the Literary Men’s "Music Bureau" Creative Features in All These Dynasties

【作者】 龙新辉

【导师】 李生龙;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 古代文学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 “乐府”之名开始于汉武帝,本为官署之名,其职在采诗歌,被以管弦以入乐,故后世遂以乐府官署所采获保存之诗歌为乐府。有“乐府”以来,即被分为两种:一种是民间歌谣,另一种为文人诗赋。文人乐府诗创作从东汉时开始繁盛,到魏晋南北朝时期,乐府诗仍为文人抒情言志的一个重要载体,本文拟从内容的丰富和形式的发展两大方面探讨魏晋南北朝文人乐府创作的特色。 全文分为三部分: 第一部分着重于对内容的分析,主要从文本出发将文人乐府诗的内容分为五个方面:(一)对社会现实的反映,(二)对战争、边塞题材的开拓,(三)对人生的感叹,(四)对爱情的歌咏,(五)对声色的近求。 第二部分着重于对形式的分析,主要包括文人乐府诗体式上的创新:(一)对传统五言诗的继承和发展,(二)对七言诗的创新和发展,(三)对传统四言诗的回归。 第三部分为文人乐府诗的艺术特色,包括:(一)艺术上篇幅的日益繁富,(二)修辞的日益缛丽,以此来体现此阶段文人乐府创作的变化和成绩。

【Abstract】 "Music Bureau" is a government office created during the reign of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty to collect folk songs and their music for ceremonial occasions at court. The music were later regarded as two types: folk songs and literary men’s rhyme prose. The literary men’s prose poems created in "Music Bureau" flourished around the Eastern Han Dynasty and became an important carrier for the literary men to express their emotions and talk about their aspirations in the Wei Dynasty, the Jin Dynasty and the Northern and Southern dynasties. This paper tries to approach the literary men’s "Music Bureau" creative features in all these dynasties both from the variety of poem content and the development of poem form.

  • 【分类号】I207.22
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】443

