

Species Diversity and Habitat Distribution of Carabid (Coleoptera: Carabidae) in Ziwuling Forest Region of Gansu Province

【作者】 姜双林

【导师】 赵惠燕; 周天林;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 农业推广, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 针对步甲生态学研究中存在的问题及其在生态恢复中的意义,本文研究了以下方面内容:(1)不同生境类型中步甲物种种类和数量分布;(2)不同生境内步甲物种多样性;(3)步甲栖息地生境相似性比较;(4)特定生境内的特有种和步甲物种之间的相互关系;(5)生境类型、降水梯度及人为干扰等因素,对步甲的种类分布的影响。 根据子午岭林区的海拔高度、气候、土壤和植被的不同将该地区的步甲生境划分为6种类型:针叶林、针阔混交林、阔叶林、灌丛林、草地和农田,针对子午岭林区6种生境类型,选取16个代表样地,利用巴氏诱罐法研究了步甲(Coleoptera:Carabidae)的物种多样性及其与生境的关系。研究结果如下: 2003~2004年4~10月间共采集到步甲2983头,隶属于4亚科18属36种。从亚科的物种组成看,婪步甲亚科(Harpalinae)有24种,占总种数的66.7%;步甲亚科(Carabinae)有9种,占总种数的25%;蝼步甲亚科(Scaritinae)为2种,气甲亚科(Brachininae)仅1种。从属的物种组成看,婪步甲属(Harpalus)和青步甲属(Chlaenius)均为7种;步甲属(Carabus)为4种,胫步甲属(Calosoma)为3种,锥须步甲属Bembidion为2种;其余13种步甲为单属单种,占总属数的36.1%。从各生境类型采集到的36种步甲的个体数量来看,其中黑腹胫步甲(Calosoma maximowiczi)、中华曲胫步甲(Campalita chinense)、青寡行步甲(Anoplogeniuscyanescens)、红斑步甲(Anisodactylus signatus)、谷婪步甲(Harpalus calceatus)、肖毛婪步甲(H.jureceki)、毛婪步甲(H.griseus)、狭边青步甲(Chlaenius inops)、拟逗斑青步甲(Ch.micans)、赤背梳爪步甲(Calathus halensis)和普通暗步甲(Amara plebeja)的个体数量在100头以上,占个体总数的5%以上,为本地常见种;麻步甲(Carabus brandti)、一棘蝼步甲(Scarites terricola)、中黑沟步甲(Stenolophus connotatus)、中华婪步甲(Harpalus sinicus)、大头婪步甲(H.captio)、单齿婪步甲(H.simplicidens)和大黄缘青步甲(Chlaenius spoliatus)的个体数量在50~100头之间,占个体总数的2%~4.9%,为本地偶见种;其余18种步甲的个体数量在1~50头之间,占个体总数的1.67%以下,为本地稀有种。 从不同生境类型的物种丰富度和数量看,由高到低依次为在阔叶林(辽东栎林、白桦、山扬林)、针阔混交林(油松+辽东栎林)、针叶林(油松林和落叶松林)、灌丛(辽东栎萌生灌丛、樱草蔷薇灌丛)、草地和农田。Shannon-Wiener多样性指数H‘上,各群落的H‘值依次按阔叶林>针阔混交林>针叶林>灌丛>草地>农田的顺序递减。均匀度指数J值是按阔叶林>针叶林>针阔混交林>灌丛>草地>农田的顺序递减。 利用物种的发生和频度数据,对6种不同生境进行栖息相似性分析,发现子午岭林区的落叶阔叶林和针阔混交林生境类型可归为一类,草地和农田可归为另一类,针叶林生境类型和灌丛划可分别单独归为一类。从步甲的生境选择上看,彩角青步甲(Chlaeniustouzalini)、地青步甲(Ch.Praefectus)、黄足隘步甲(Patrobus flavipes)和光凹地甲(Curtonotusnitens)只分布在针叶林内、是比较典型的森林和亚高山分布物种;黑腹胫步甲(Calosoma

【Abstract】 The carabid beetle (Coleoptera.Carabidae) is incapable of flying with leg crawling. Its distributions are limited and show close relation to certain habitats. We investigate species diversity and habitat distribution of carabid beetle and use them as indicators in monitoring environmental changes, to see how these changes would affect spatial distribution patterns and local biodiversity in a more general sense. This study was conducted in Ziwuling forest region (35° 18 ’ -36° 39 ’ N,107° 59 ’ -108° 43 ’ E) of Gansu province, northwest China. The Ziwuling secondary forest region of China is located at a transitional area where the semi-humid climate is changing into the semi-arid and arid climate. Because of both natural and man-induced cause, up to now, the Ziwuling secondary forest region is being a habitat fragmentation landscape.Five habitat types were classified based on altitude, climate, soil and vegetation differences: coniferous forest, coniferous broad-leaved mixed forest, broad-leaved forest, shrubs, meadow and crop field. Sixteen plots within sex different habitats were investigates and the method of pitfall traps was employed in the study. Field collection were done regularly, three times each month from April through October in the years of 2003 to 2004. Of the total collection of 2983 specimens in this region, 36 species of 18 genera in 4 subfamilies were identified, carabid species of subfamily reduced in the following sequence: Harpalinae (24 spp.), Carabinae(9 spp.), Scaritinae(2. spp,) and Brachininae(1 species). The most species-rich genera were Harpalus (7 spp.), Chlaenius (7 spp.), and Carabus (4 spp.).36 species of carabid beetles were collected, of which eleven species, Calosoma maximowiczi, Campalita chinense, Anoplogenius cyanescens, Anisodactylus signatus, Harpalus calceatus, H.jureceki, H. griseus, Chlaenius inops, Chmicans, Calathus halensis and Amara plebeja each accounted for 5%~7% of total specimens; they were the commonly occurred species in this region. Six other species, Carabus brandti, Carabus brandti, Scarites terricola, Stenolophus connotatus, Harpalus sinicus, H. captio, H. simplicidens and Chlaenius spoliatus each accounted for 2%~4.9% of total specimens; they were the incidentally occurred species in this region. Eighteen residual species, each accounted less than 1.67% of total specimens and were rare.Species abundance, Species diversity (Shannon-Wiener index H ),and species composition similarity (Jaccard index) were calculated for the six habitat type. With respect to species number and their abundance, broad-leaved forest habitats were shown to be higher than those habitats, crop fields were the lowest. Species diversity (H ) increased in the following sequence: broad-leaved forests (H =2.3287), coniferous broad-leaved mixed forests(H’=2.0958), coniferous forests (H=1.9948), shrubs (H =1.4568), meadows(H =0.6578), and crop fields (H =0.3877). In contrast, evenness value was highest in broads-leaved forest habitats and lowest in crop field habitats. The carabid species composition between broad-leaved forests and coniferous broad-leaved mixed forests had the highest similarity (Jaecard index=0.8065), with the second highest similarity between meadows and crop fields (Jaccard index=0,6364), and the lowest similarity between coniferous forests and crop fields. Severe disturbance from intensive human and natural activity strongly limited species distributions and abundance. The highest species number was observed in habitat with a moderate degree of disturbance, and the highest abundance was found where disturbance existed in a much lower degree. Habitats in very stable and undisturbed ecosystems did not show the highest number of species and abundance. A positive correlation is seen between precipitation and carabid species diversity and evenness, and a positive correlation is one exhibited between precipitation and individual numbers. Species abundance does not show such patterns. Analysis showed significant habitat preferences for commonly species: Calosoma maximowiczi was more abundant in shrub, Anoplogenius cyanescem in coniferous broad-leaved mixed forest, Calathus halensis and Campalita chinense were more abundant in broad-leaved forest and coniferous broad-leaved mixed forest, Harpalus calceatus was more abundant in crop field, Harpalus jureceki in broad-leaved forest. The results indicate that habitat type and disturbance determine the species distribution of carabid beetle, and habitat differences strongly modify numbers of each species. For species diversity protection, it is very important to maintain environmental heterogeneity and reduce the magnitude of disturbance from human and natural activity in Ziwuling secondary forest region.

  • 【分类号】Q968
  • 【下载频次】245

