

Study on the Occurrence Pattern and Controlling Technique of Ryegrass Rust (Puccinia spp.)

【作者】 李雪艳

【导师】 王保通;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 农业推广, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 锈病是禾草草坪上的一类重要病害,它分布广,发生期长、危害严重。据调查发现,西安地区绿化草坪上锈病发生、危害较为严重。为了搞清西安地区绿化草坪锈病的发生规律及传播方式,进而有效地进行防治,控制该病害的蔓延和危害,本人开展了为期两年的研究。结果如下: (1) 为害草坪禾草种类:据调查,该病害在西安地区发生严重,寄生的草坪禾草主要有:多年生黑麦草、多花黑麦草、高羊茅、草地早熟禾、匍匐剪股颖等。 (2) 发生及消长规律:3月上旬草坪返青后部分地区的草坪零星发病,6月~7月份,西安地区的草坪锈病开始处于点片发生阶段,8月份以后草坪锈病处于普遍发生时期,到10月份西安地区的草坪锈病处于严重度上升阶段,此时为草坪锈病发生最严重的时期,12月中旬以后随着草坪禾草的越冬锈病病原菌以菌丝体和夏孢子在病部越冬。当夏孢子在适宜温度和湿度的条件下,一般6~10天就可发病,并产生大量的夏孢子堆,夏孢子随风或者养护管理作业传播,不断造成新的侵染,使病害迅速扩展蔓延。不同草坪禾草、温度、降雨、草坪密度、水肥等养护管理,不同年份、不同地块发病程度都会有所不同。在栽培管理中,过频的机械剪草和过多喷灌是造成该病严重发生和流行的重要因素,特别是剪草后立即喷灌,病害发生更为严重。 (3) 防治方法:a、种植抗病草种和品种,并提倡不同草种和多品种混合种植。b、科学的养护管理;合理灌水,降低田间湿度;发病后适时剪草,有利于控制该病的发生。c、化学防治:在发病早期(以封锁发病中心为重点时期),喷施百理通、三唑酮、腈菌唑等农药。综合采取以上技术措施,可有效地控制该病的蔓延和危害。

【Abstract】 Rust disease, widely distributed, long lasting and seriously damaged, is one of the most important disease in turf grass. It was reported that the rust disease seriously occurred and disserved in xi’an region. The special research had been conducted for two years in order to clearly know epidemic factors, pattern of disease development, propagation path, and effective technique for the controlling. The results are the following:(1) Host plants: It was investigated that the turf grasses, including Lolium perenne, Lolium mulitiflorum, Poa pratensis, Agrostis stolonifera, and Festuca elatior, are very susceptive to Puccinia spp.(2) Occurrence and pattern: The disease occurred in early March after the grass began to grow, he peak of disease existed from June to October, and the pathogen began to be of dormancy in December. Occasionally, the symptom came out after the leaf was wet for 6 to 10 days, in addition, the optimal temperature and humidity was integrant, the ryegrass was infested with abundant uredospores because of the wind and the disease was epidemic. The disease severity was different among the cultivars according to the management (the host’s resistance degree, temperature, raining, density of grass, water and nutrition ), years and fields. Frequently law mowing and too much water were the major factors, especially the immediately irrigating after law mowing, which could led to the disease serious occurring and epidemic.(3) Controlling: The technique of controlling included the bellowing. A) planting the resistant cultivars and mixing different species and cultivars. B)scientific management, rational irrigation, low humidity, timely mowing are neccessary. C)chemical controlling, medicated spraying of Beleyton、 Pirinicarb、 Myclobutanil. The disease could be controlled under the integrated utilization of above techniques by which the effect was obvious in series two years.

  • 【分类号】S436.8
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】172

