

The Theoretical Research of Conversational Implicature in China

【作者】 宋文长

【导师】 任崇芬;

【作者基本信息】 西南师范大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 会话含意是说话人通过说话所含蓄的表达的意义。会话含意(conversational implicature)是由美国语言哲学家格赖斯(H.P Grice)首先提出来的,它的主要内容在于合作原则以及运用合作原则的准则来产生会话含意。会话含意理论是语用学的核心内容,在语言交际中起着非常重要的作用。会话含意理论已从格氏的以合作原则为代表的“古典理论”(研究会话含意理论的“特殊含意”)发展成为列氏的以会话三原则为代表的新理论(研究会话含意理论的“一般含意”),对语用推理形成新的推动力。在中国该理论的研究已经成为一个研究重点,它引起了一大批语言研究者的兴趣,这方面的文章和著作相继面世,90年代是该理论研究的黄金时期。本文是对该理论在中国的研究的一个整体概述,在概述这些研究成果之后进一步指出研究的现状和发展动向。 本文分成四个部分。引言是对选题的原因及其研究意义的说明。第一部分介绍会话含意理论的引进过程。第二部分专门论述会话含意语用原则在中国的研究。由于格赖斯提出的合作原则存在许多不足之处所以中国语言学家不断努力去修正它、提出新原则作为补充或寻找新的原则来代替它。第三部分介绍会话含意语用推理在中国的研究,即中国语言学家在会话含意各种理论的框架内或在受这些理论的启发下对人们怎样从对方所说的话语中推导出真正的意义的研究。第四部分介绍关于含意的分类在中国的争论以及含意本体论的主要内容。在每个部分先介绍问题的缘起及其不足并在此基础上对中国语言学家所研究的成果进行概述、对比、作出评价。在论文的结论部分,笔者从整个语用学在中国的发展过程和发展动向来看会话含意在中国研究的不足及其发展趋向。

【Abstract】 Conversational implicature refers to a speakers use of implicature to reach a vague expression of language. It was first put forward by the American philosopher H.P Grice and its core content lies in the co-operative principle and the accurate application of co-operative principle to reach Conversational Implicature. The theory of Conversational Implicature is at the heart of the field of Pragmatics and plays an important role in the use of language especially in regard to social intercourse. The theory of Conversational Implicature began with Grice’s "classical theory" and then developed under Levinson’s influence into a new theory. In China the theory of Conversational implicature has become a very important area of study, and many scholars in the field of linguistics have been attracted to the study of it. There has been many articles and books published focusing on this area of research, including many by prominent linguistic scholars, but it was in the 1990’s that research into this theory reached its peak. This essay attempts to provide a broad summary of the research regarding Conversational Implicature theory in China and through this summary the author hopes to provide an indicator of the current state of research into this area and drawing on his conclusions make some tentative predictions about the further development of the theory and future research trends.This essay is divided into four parts. The thesis statement introduces the reasons why I choose this topic and gives a basic outline of my research findings. The first part introduces the theory of Conversational implicature to the essay and tracks the process of the introduction of this theory into China from abroad. The second section exclusively focuses on the theoretical research of conversational implicature in China. Due to the many insufficiencies with Grice’s co-operative principle, Chinese linguists have continuously looked for ways to improve on the theory, to revise it and replace it with a more advanced theory. The third part of the essay provides an introduction to

  • 【分类号】H030
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】667

