

Richment and Conservation of Nitrifying Bacteria and Research on Its’ Application in Quaculture

【作者】 刘瑞兰

【导师】 魏泓;

【作者基本信息】 西南师范大学 , 动物学, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 硝化细菌是一大类在自然界氮循环中起关键作用的微生物菌群。由于它们严格自养、生长缓慢的生态生理属性,使硝化细菌的富集分离和应用受到限制。而目前我国氮污染的问题又日益严重,许多应用领域都迫切需要进行氮污染的治理。本文针对硝化细菌的富集保存等技术进行了基础研究,此外将硝化细菌应用于观赏鱼水质处理和温室养鳖池的水质处理等应用领域进行了全面的研究,其目的在于从活性污泥中富集获得一种具有高氨氮去除活性的硝化细菌,探索有效的保存方式并尝试将硝化细菌在水产养殖水处理中推广应用。 主要研究结果如下: 1.对取自重庆北碚污水处理厂,重庆渝北城南污水处理厂和重庆唐家桥污水处理厂的污泥分别进行富集培养,利用MPN—Griess计数法和钠氏比色法分别对污泥在富集过程中菌数变化和氨氮去除能力进行检测,结果发现,三个活性污泥样经过传代5次之后,历时3个月的时间,污泥颜色均由黑色转变为土黄色,硝化细菌数量均明显增多,其中北碚污水处理厂污泥富集物达到10~9cfu/mL的数量级;硝化活性明显提高,达到70%左右,其中的北碚污水处理厂硝化细菌富集物硝化活性最高,达到100%;ss培养基检测其肠道菌含量的变化,结果表明,三个污水处理厂的活性污泥最初肠道菌总含量均明显超标(10~7个/L),经过富集之后,肠道菌总数急剧减少,其中北碚污水处理厂污泥经富集后肠道菌含量低于3个/L,说明将其引入养殖水体是安全的。 2.采用常温、4℃冰箱以及连续传代三种方式对硝化细菌富集物进行保存。常温下分别采用直接于富集培养液中保存和除去培养液后,菌泥沉淀按20%比例加

【Abstract】 The autotrophic nitrifying bacteria play a critical role in nitrogen cycle in nature. The detection and application of nitrifying bacteria is limited by their peculiar ecophysiology such as strict autotrophic bacteria and slow growth. But they are urgently needed in nitrogen pollution in our country. This paper focused on the key problems about application technology of nitrifying bacteria and finished some research about the techniques of enrichment, detection method and application methods in nitrogen pollution removal. The following are the results. 1.We cultured and enriched nitrifying bacteria from BEEBEI, YUBEI, TANGJQ sewage treatment plants, and using MPN-Griess and colorimetry to detect changing microbial content and ability of denitrifying .The results showed that three samples, after 5 passages, 3 months, turned yellow from black. The number of nitrifying bacteria dramatically increased, which of BEIBEI sample reached 109cfu/mL; Nitrifying activity was obviously enhanced 70%, which of BEIBEI sample reached 100%; We used ss medium to detect the change of number of intestine bacteria .The results showed that the initial number of intestine bacteria of all samples over-standarded, after enrichment and culture, which decreased significantly. 2.We adopted room temperature , 4℃, continuing passage to conserve nitrifying bacteria. Under room temperature, we inspectively used direct conservation ,and after removing culture medium ,20% deposits added to PBS(KH2PO4 10 mg/L, Na2HPO4 5mg/L, NaCl 100g/L, sulfasulfonamide 0.03mg/L) to store nitrifying bacteria. The results indicated direct way was better. After one year, in direct conservation, the rate of denitrifying droped from 100% to 43%, after two years, 100% to 17%. In sample added PBS, the rate of denitrifying droped from 100% to 35.5% in one year, 100% to 10% after two years. Using 4℃ conservation, the rate droped from 100% to 57% in one year,and from 100% to 32.3% in two years. The best was continuing passage, the rate of which drop to 77% in one year, 50% in two and a half years later.

  • 【分类号】S959
  • 【下载频次】819

