

NHZ FH Sequence Design and System Simulation Investigation

【作者】 陈新渝

【导师】 汪晓宁;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 通信与信息系统, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 跳频通信具有抗干扰、抗衰落、抗截获能力强,能多址组网应用等诸多优点,在现代军事和民用通信中,跳频通信技术获得了广泛的应用。跳频器是跳频通信系统的核心部件,而组网则是关系到跳频通信能否正常建立的关键。无碰撞区跳频通信系统的跳频器所使用的跳频码是无碰撞区跳频码,该码在零位移附近一段区域内汉明相关值为零。若跳频通信系统工作在该区域内,则系统中的多址干扰将会大大减少,为此,无碰撞区跳频通信系统所使用的组网方式为多址接入准同步组网方式。 本文研究内容可分为三部分:第一部分主要提出了一种新的基于交织技术的无碰撞区跳频码构造方法。该部分首先介绍了无碰撞区跳频码的概念,然后概述了交织技术,最后详细地给出了基于交织技术的无碰撞区跳频码的构造过程。 第二部分主要提出一种新的适用于无碰撞区跳频通信系统的多址接入准同步方案,该部分首先概述了多址接入准同步组网方式的原理,然后介绍了冯莉芳等人提出的基于同步字头法与搜索等待自同步法的准同步方案,接着描述了本文提出的基于参考时钟法的多址接入准同步组网方案,最后对这两种方案的性能进行了详细的分析比较。基于参考时钟法的准同步方案组网速度更快,更节省系统资源。 第三部分主要使用SystemView仿真工具并结合C语言设计了无碰撞区跳频通信系统仿真平台并对系统仿真结果进行分析。该部分首先分析了选择SystemView和C语言作为仿真工具的原因,接着详细地给出了无碰撞区跳频通信系统仿真平台各功能模块的具体实现,最后对比分析了不同用户数目,不同信噪比条件下基于RS跳频码与无碰撞区跳频码的跳频通信系统的系统误码率。仿真结果表明,基于无碰撞区跳频码的跳频通信系统在单用户情况下优势并不明显,但在多用户情况下误码率性能有明显改善。

【Abstract】 The frequency hopping (FH) communication is widely applied in modern military and civil communications because of its advantages such as anti-jamming, anti-fade, anti-capturing, and multi-access networking etc. Frequency hopper is the key for the FH communication system, while networking is the key for the FH communications to be working properly in the FH system. The No-Hit-Zone (NHZ) hopping code is employed by the frequency hopper of NHZ FH communication systems, which have no hits at all within a predefined correlation zone in the vicinity of zero shift. Since the multi-access interference can be greatly decreased by NHZ code, the quasi-synchronous multiple access scheme is suitable for NHZ FH communications systems.This thesis can be divided into three parts. Firstly, a new structure of NHZ hopping code based on interleave technique is proposed. In this part, the conception of NHZ hopping code and interleave technique are introduced. Then the construction of NHZ hopping code based on interleave technique is presented in details.Secondly, a new quasi-synchronous multiple access scheme based on clock synchronization, which is suitable for NHZ FH communication systems, is put forward. In this part, the principle of multi-access networking is summarized. Then the quasi-synchronous scheme based on synchronous head and self-synchronization is introduced, which is designed by Feng et al. And a new quasi-synchronous multiple access scheme based on clock synchronization is put forward. By comparing these two schemes, it is shown that the new quasi-synchronous multiple access scheme based on clock synchronization is preferable because of its higher speed and less system resource.Thirdly, a simulation platform for NHZ FH communication

  • 【分类号】TN914.41
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】549

