

Research on the High-Accuracy Deformation Monitoring in Narrow Space

【作者】 徐万鹏

【导师】 黄丁发; 许东坤;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 测绘工程, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 深圳地铁4A标段为双层地铁隧道结构,设计隧道穿越广深准高速铁路,施工中需要对既有广深铁路桥的部分桩基础进行托换。该托换工区位于深圳市最繁华的东门商业区。托换施工期间,各种塔架、脚手架、支撑体系密布,变形监测的活动空间非常有限,属典型的微空间测量。 本文结合广深铁路桥桩基托换工程变形监测工作的实际,提出了微空间变形监测,并对微空间变形监测方法进行了研究和实践。通过对各种变形监测方法的对比分析,提出了主要利用自动化程度较高的精密数字水准仪和自动照准全站仪,结合特殊测量手段,将大地测量方法在大尺度上的精密绝对测量,与特种测量仪器在小尺度上提供的高精度相对测量有机结合起来,成功地解决了广深铁路桥桩基托换施工中,微空间高精度变形监测问题。 文中重点论述了以下内容:①利用自动液体静力水准测量系统,配合精密几何水准测量,将绝对高程基准引入微空间,实现高程基准网和监测网的准同步测量,解决了微空间竖向变形自动化监测问题。②通过小视场功能,将自动照准型精密全站仪的自动极坐标测量功能引入微空间领域,在测量人员无法正常作业的环境里实现平面基准网和监测网快速、同步测量。③分析了“利用多重实时差分改正实现无气象要素测量的高精度测距技术”在微空间领域的局限性,提出了利用基准点进行坐标转换,统一测量基准,然后根据坐标转换的尺度改正系数实现无气象要素测量的高精度测距技术。④介绍了利用尼龙丝基准线和百分表测量杆进行精密相对测量,实现对监测点绝对位移监测的方法,分析了这种方法所能达到的精度。 从变形监测的精度分析和实测效果对比中可以看出,我们在实际工作中采用的变形监测方法,能灵敏地反映出由于桩基托换施工而引起既有铁路结构的变形,从而有效地控制影响运营安全的主要因素。

【Abstract】 The subway 4A bid section of Shenzhen is of double-deck tunnel structure, designed to pass through the GuangShen quasi-high-speed railway, and needs to have an underpinning of the existing GuangShen railway bridge under construction. The underpinning area lies in the most flourish shopping center in the east of Shenzhen. During construction, various of tower shelves, scaffolds and supporting systems are jammed together, The activity room for monitoring works is very limited. It is the typical narrow space measurement.This thesis considers the situations of deformation monitoring in the project, also called "measurement in narrow space (MNS) " is proposed, and the methodology and practical problems related to the measurement in narrow space are studied. Through comparing and analyzing different kinds of methods of measurement in narrow space, The author proposes mainly utilizing highly automatic accurate digital level gauge and the total station which can transit automatically. Combining the special means of measurement, such as the combination of the high-accuracy relative measurement and the special measuring instrument offered on small yardstick, the author can solve the problem of measurement in narrow space in the underpinning of GuangSheng railway bridge.The thesis discusses the following content especially: (1)Utilize the automatic liquid static pressure level measuring system, cooperate with the level measurement of accurate geometry, introduce leveling datum to the narrow room, realize the anisochronous measurement of the leveling and monitoring net definitely and solve the problem of vertical deformation monitoring in the narrow space.

  • 【分类号】U456.3
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】277

