

Researching on Daqing Xinhua Power Plant’s Project Management

【作者】 田浩

【导师】 齐红倩;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 工商管理, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国加入WTO 和经济体制改革的不断深入,如何在现有基础上进一步发展和完善我国电力建设工程项目管理,使电力企业能持续、健康地发展,已成为电力行业迫切需要研究和解决的课题。本文结合项目管理理论,运用实证分析与规范分析方法,在对新华电厂扩建工程项目管理流程进行研究的基础上,重点探讨了电力工程项目管理过程中质量、进度、成本三要素的控制问题。通过项目管理三要素的分析,指出质量、进度、成本的控制是关系项目成败的关键,三者既相互联系又相互制约,必须以企业效益最大化为出发点进行综合控制。同时对项目管理过程中存在的一些问题提出了解决的方法,并对电力工程项目管理过程中实行流程再造和优化提出了积极建议。

【Abstract】 Project management is one of the advanced subjects of modern enterprisemanagement. At the present time, the construction of electric power engineeringis operating under a planned economy and the application of project managementtheories to electric power engineering still needs bettering. The urgent problem tobe solved of electric power engineering is how to apply the advancedmanagement theories and methods to it to sustain the development of theenterprise. The analysis of the present study is based on the project managementpractice of the expansion project of DaQingXinHua electric power. The purposeof the study is to help the relevant projects to use the experience for reference.Project management is the systematic planning, organizing and controllingof allocated resources to accomplish project cost, time and performanceobjectives. Project management is normally reserved for focused, non-repetitive,time-limited activities with some degree of risk and that are beyond the usualscope of program (operational) activities for which the organization is responsible.Project management originated in 1950s and it widespread in European countries,while in China, project management needs bettering and problems appeared inimplementation need solving.In project management, quality, time and cost are the three main elementsand must be balanced, among them quality is the most important.Fossil-fuel generating plant is a rather complex systems engineering. Itrequires technology, large investment and a long term. The project managementof fossil-fuel generating plant includes not only the application of advancedtechnology, complex management, allotment organization and control of thepeople, fund and substance, but also the efficient communication andconcordance among enterprises and departments. Only when the quality of theproject, time and cost are managed efficiently, can the accomplishment be insuredfundamentally. Among the three, project quality is the significant goal.HuaNeng group is biggest power company, which is rich in experience inChina. While XingHua electric power that was founded in 1970s lives underHuaNeng group. In the process of implementation of the project, the followingproblems were found:1.Improper assessing method of achievement and efficiency.The general goal of XinHua project is to put into production of the machineshop according to the requirement as planed. The project team leader is assessedby it. Without the quantification and division of the partial objectives and specifictasks, there will be no system of prize and assessment. Meanwhile, as the realowner of XinHua project, incentive measures taken by HuaNeng group is for theperiod between the beginning of the project and the starting of the machine shop,after that economic effects have nothing to do with the project team. Thereforethe members of the project team only concern with the management of the projectand care for nothing about the economic effects after the starting of the machineshop, which is short --term behaviors.2.Disproportion control of quality, time and cost.Since the goal of project time is relatively clear, HuaNeng group check theproject mainly by time rather than the project quality and the control of cost. Soall the works is in the premise of time, effective system of high quality andcontrol of cost can’t work.3.Lack of legal supervision.Some people collude with the bidding company for private benefits whichdisorders the system of bidding, at the same time, the interference in bidding ofsome leader becomes the excuse of project team to shirk the responsibility for thecontrol of cost, thus no one is responsible for the problems of cost.4.Lagging of management methodAlthough advanced management method such as matrix management patternis adapted, management concept of the people still remains in the traditionalpatterns. On the whole without the help of P3 software, the management is in arelatively low level.5.Unsound project supervision systemThere is no project supervision for the whole project. The members of theproject team supervise some processes. Due to the limitation of ability, time andexperience of the team members, the actual effect is not satisfactory.Pointing to the problems above, effective measures are taken as follows:1.Innovate the existing testing method of achievement and efficiency andevaluate project management from every aspect. Meanwhile, assess theachievement of a project in terms of economic effects, therefore not only theproject leader but also the entire project members will concern with the economiceffects and long term development.2.Aim at the maximization of economic effects of the company to balancequality, time and cost. In the implementation of the project, first of all, determinethe general aim and specific aims and make sure there is no conflicts betweeneach other; secondly divide the tasks to individual person according to specificaims and lay stress on concordance of the whole.

【关键词】 项目管理质量进度成本控制
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2005年 06期
  • 【分类号】F279.26
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】393

