

Study on Ore Prospecting Potential and Characteristics of Geochemistry in the Guerga Area of Eastern Kunlun, Xinjiang

【作者】 王宝金

【导师】 单玄龙; 刘忠;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 矿物学、岩石学、矿床学, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 论文在系统总结了区域成矿地质背景的基础上,详细论述了古尔嘎地区地质特征、地球化学特征及元素的表生富集特征;对圈定的1∶10 万水系沉积物异常和1∶2 万岩屑异常进行了分析研究。分析了区域地层、构造、岩浆岩、地球化学等成矿地质条件,首次提出了早元古代金水口群是该区钨等成矿元素的初始矿源层。运用地球化学块体理论,厘定了白干湖钨(W)地球化学块体。对白干湖钨锡矿床、克孜勒金矿点、喀拉曲哈铜矿点等典型矿床(点)进行了分析研究,对区域控矿因素进行了分析,总结了区域成矿规律,建立了成矿模式,并总结了该区的找矿地球化学标志,对方法技术的有效性进行了评价。对新疆东昆仑地区区域找矿潜力及古尔嘎地区的找矿潜力进行了分析研究,并进行了资源量预测。

【Abstract】 The North of east Kunlun Mountains in Xinjiang lies in south of Tarim plate-North China plate and west of orogenic belt of east Kunlun Mountains, belongingto the island-arcs of east Kunlun Mountains on the Paleozoic. Tectonic activitiesare intensive, and the structural framework of the region is controlled by Altunfracture belts、central-Kulun Mountains fracture belts、Muzitage-Jinyuhu fracturebelts. Stratum is well developed from early Proterozoic Jinshuikou Group, andfrom north to south age of stratum varies from old to young. Magmatic activitieswere quite frequent from Proterozoic to Mesozoic, forming a series of intrusiverocks and volcanic rocks.The stratum are consisted of mainly early-Paleozoic Qimantage group in theGuerga, which are overlied by Jurassic System Dameigou formation and TertiaryLulehe formation, including the seven new found ore of Au and Cu. There areadmellite and alkali-feld-spar granite on the late stage of Variscan cycle in the northand east of Guerga, and gabbro on the Yanshanian cycle in centre, and dikes arewidespread. Host structures dominantly are NW-or NE-faults.W、Au、Cu、As、Co contents are all obviously higher than others ,especiallyW ,and Hg content is lower in the stream sediments of Guerga region. Qimantagegroup lies within regional high background and high value zones of Co、Au、As、Sb, and Au、Ag、Cu、Zn、Co、As、Sb、Hg contents are higher than their averagecontents in Guega. In Jurassic System Dameigou formation, Au、Ag、Cu、Zn、Co、Hg contents are higher than their average contents in Guega. The admellite onthe late stage of Variscan cycle lies within high background and high valuezones of W、Mo、Bi, and W、Mo、Bi、Pb、Hg contents are higher than others. Thealkali-feld-spar granite on the late stage of Variscan cycle lies within highbackground and high value zones of Sn、Bi, and Sn、Bi contents are higher thanothers. The gabbro on the Yanshanian cycle lies within high background and highvalue zones of Cu、Co, and Co、Cu、Zn、Ag、Bi contents are higher than others . W、Au、Pb、Sn、Co、Bi、Cu、As、Sb、Hg、Ag contents in the rocks arehigher than Xinjiang,particularly W、Au、Pb、Sn、Co、Bi、Cu, W best. W、Sn、Mo、Bi 、Pb、Cu contents are obviously higher than others in the alkali-field-spargranite on the late stage of Vatican cycle. W、Au contents are obviously higher thanothers in the admellite on the late stage of Variscan cycle . As、Sb contents arehigher than others in Qimantage group. Co、Cu、Ag、Sn、Au contents are higherthan others in the gabbro on the Yanshanian cycle. Enrichment regularity of trace elements is that Au、As、Sb、Mo、Bi、W、Sn、Hg、Ag、Pb、Zn contents in the rocks are higher than it in stream sediments inGuerga, and Co、Cu contents in the rocks are lower .In the meantime,streamsediment survey is effective, accounting for the geochemical characteristics ofGuerga. Twenty geochemical anomalies had been established in Guerga, Kun-HS-2、Kun-HS-8、Kun-HS-11、Kun-HS-12、Kun-HS-13、Kun-HS-14、Kun-HS-15、Kun-HS-18 related to gold(copper) deposit ,and Kun-HS-1 、Kun-HS-9 、Kun-HS-16、Kun-HS-18 related to W or Sn deposit. Stratum, structure, andmagmatic rocks spatially control the distribution of anomalies. Anomalycharacteristics of Kun-HS-12 、Kun-HS-15 、Kun-HS-14 、Kun-HS-1 areadvantageous to prospecting. Rock fragment geochemical surveys were done in Kun-HS-12(Kezile rock-fragment-survey-zone )、Kun-HS-15(Kalaquha rock–fragment-survey-zone).Nineteen composite anomalies are established. In Kun-HS-12, YX-6、YX-10、YX-11、YX-19 are guessed related to mineralizations. Four gold or cupper depositsare found in the YX-6 by geochemical follow-up for anomalies. Fourteencomposite anomalies are established in Kun-HS-15.Kezile golden deposit is foundin the YX-1 by geochemical follow-up for anomalies, and a lot of gold mine clueswere found in Kun-HS-15. Intrusive rocks have abundant W、Sn、Bi from late Caledonian cycle to lateYanshanian cycle. W average contents vary in 10.2×10-6-67.7×10-6 , and theconcentration Clarke values of W vary from 6.8-45.1.Early Proterozoic JinshuikouGroup-crystalline basement has abundant mineral, for example , W、Sn、Cu、Bi、Pb、Zr and so on. W contents vary in 5×10-6-148×10-6, and average contents are27.3×10-6,and the concentration Clarke value of W is 18.2 in Tula. W contents varyin 10×10-6-183×10-6, and average value is 20.5×10-6,and the concentration Clarkevalue of W is 13.7 in Baiganhu. In Ordovician System Qimantage group, Pb、W、Sn、As、Sb、Bi contents are high, and W contents vary in the range of4.4×10-6-48.8×10-6 ,and W average contents are 13.4×10-6, and the concentrationClarke value of W is 8.9.In Silurian Baiganhu formation , W、Bi、As、Sb contentsare high, and W contents vary in the range of 2.4×10-6-19.4×10-6 ,and averagevalue is 9.2×10-6,the concentration Clarke values of W is 6.1. Early Proterozoic Jinshuikou Group -crystalline basement having richore-forming elements, for example, W、Sn、Cu、Bi, particularly W, is the originalsource bed which controls the geochemistry evolvement and metallogenesis of Wby the study on distribution of elements among stratum and magmatite. In themeantime, W、Sn、Bi、Cu high-temperature elements decrease from old stratum tonew stratum, and W、Sn、Bi、Cu、Pb high-temperature elements in the intrusiverocks contents are higher than in the stratum, which W、Sn、Cu、Bi occurred toconcentrate in the process of magma evolvement. The concentration Clarke valueof W varies in the range of 6.1-45.1 , similar to it in the south china and southJiangxi province, and island-arc of east Kunlun Mountains on the Paleozoic is the

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2005年 06期
  • 【分类号】P596;P632
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】343

