

Emulational Analysis and Experimental Study on the Middle Shovel of the Multifunctional Snow-moving Vehicle

【作者】 孙利

【导师】 马文星;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 机械工程, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 中国北方冬季时间长,降雪量大,如果不及时清除积雪,将严重影响交通安全,给人民日常生活带来诸多不便。多功能清雪车的研制,将对城市在冬季有一个良好的交通和卫生环境,保障道路的畅通,减少交通事故,满足高速公路、普通公路、市区道路养护的需要,有重要的实用价值,对国民经济的发展有重要意义。本文通过对多功能清雪车工作原理和雪的物理机械性质的研究,确立了清雪车的基本方案,对中铲进行结构参数设计,分析中铲工作阻力,并运用MATLAB 软件对中铲进行仿真动力学分析,进行了样机实验。研究结果表明,多功能清雪车设计的基本方案是可行的,中铲铲形的选择是正确的,中铲结构参数设计合理,工作阻力分析正确,计算公式可用,实验表明多功能清雪车达到了较理想的清雪效果,有广泛应用前景。

【Abstract】 Winter lasts for a long time in the cold areas of northern China. A great amount of snow falls there each year. Therefore, if the accumulated snow cannot be removed and cleaned in time, it will severely affect the safety of the transportation and bring out a lot of inconveniences to the people’s daily life. The manufacture of the multifunctional snow-moving machine will be found of important and practical value in forming good transportation and hygiene environment in winter, in ensuring the unblocked roads, in reducing the traffic accidents, in meeting the needs on the maintenance of superhighways and common highways. But then, it is of great significance to the development of the national economy. The thesis is devoted to a close study of the working principle of the multifunctional snow-moving machine and the physics mechanical quality of snow. It has established the basic project of the multifunctional snow-moving machine. The structure parameter towards the middle shovel is designed; The working resistance towards the middle shovel is analysed; The analysis on emulational dynamics is put up by making use of the MATKAB software; The sample machine is tested and experimented. The result of the research has shown: It is viable for the basic project of the multifunctional snow-moving machine; It is correct to choose the plough type of shovel as the middle shovel; It is reasonable of the design of structure parameter; It is right about the analysis on working resistance; It is available for the calculational expressions; The experiment has shown that the multifunctional snow-moving machine has achieved an ideal effect and will have an extensive applied foreground.

【关键词】 清雪车中铲仿真实验
【Key words】 snow-moving machinemiddle shovelemulationalexperiment
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2005年 06期
  • 【分类号】U418.326
  • 【下载频次】421

