

The Study on the Growth and Production Quality of Hebei Domestic Chicks under the Free Range Rearing Conditions

【作者】 葛剑

【导师】 谷子林;

【作者基本信息】 河北农业大学 , 动物营养与饲料科学, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 本次试验主要研究了河北柴鸡放养条件下的生长发育和产品品质情况,共为四个部分,第一部份:设计三种不同草地类型区,其中Ⅰ组(棉田+苜蓿地)、Ⅱ组(苹果园+苜蓿地)和Ⅲ组(苹果园+杂草地)。选取1日龄的河北柴鸡进行统一育雏,三个试验组在育雏期(0~5周)全部饲喂配合饲料。从第6周开始放养,其中试验Ⅰ组在放养基础上补饲玉米,随着生长阶段的变化逐步调整补饲量,基本满足鸡群补饲需要;试验Ⅱ组在放养期间采用限饲的方法,补饲玉米型日粮,试鸡始终处于半饥饿状态;试验Ⅲ组在放养前期补饲充足的玉米型日粮,到8周左右逐步限饲,到13周左右停止补饲,直到试验结束。结果表明:河北柴鸡(公鸡和母鸡)的生长性能均以Ⅰ组为最好,Ⅱ组的生长性能表现最差。生长曲线在5周龄前基本保持一致,从第6周开始放养,试验Ⅰ组(公鸡和母鸡)在放养前期(6~8周)增重呈上升趋势,在13周左右增重出现明显下降,13周后增重趋势有所上升。试验Ⅱ组(公鸡和母鸡)总体增重呈上升趋势,但增重趋势较缓慢。试验Ⅲ组(公鸡和母鸡)在6~8周增重呈上升趋势,8周以后增重降低,14周后增重下降严重。第二部分:以现代笼养鸡(京白)为对照,分别选取130日龄的河北柴鸡(公鸡)和现代笼养鸡(京白)(公鸡)各8只,断料12h后称活重,采用口腔放血法屠宰,进行屠宰指标的测定;再分别选取300日龄的河北柴鸡和现代笼养鸡(京白)所产蛋各20枚,进行全蛋营养成分对比分析。结果表明:现代笼养鸡(京白)在产肉性能上优于河北柴鸡,其活重、屠体重、胸肌重、腿肌重和翅膀重分别比河北柴鸡提高24.97%(P<0.01)、17.59%(P<0.01)、20.29%(P<0.01)、30.63%(P<0.01)和25.51%(P<0.01)。河北柴鸡的屠体品质优于现代笼养鸡(京白),其屠宰率、胸肌率和翅膀率分别比现代笼养鸡(京白)提高6.31%(P<0.01)、5.32%(P>0.05)和1.10%(P>0.05),而且具有较低的腹脂率,比现代笼养鸡(京白)显著降低37.20%(P<0.05)。河北柴鸡与现代笼养鸡(京白)相比,具有较发达的免疫器官和消化系统以及体瘦头小等非常明显的特征。从鸡肉营养成分来看,河北柴鸡胸肌干物质率显著高于现代笼养鸡(京白)腿肌(P<0.05),与河北柴鸡腿肌和现代笼养鸡(京白)胸肌间差异不显著(P>0.05);河北柴鸡胸肌粗蛋白质含量最高,现代笼养鸡(京白)腿肌的粗蛋白质含量最低;在粗脂肪含量上,河北柴鸡胸肌要极显著低于河北柴鸡腿肌和现代笼养鸡(京白)腿肌(P<0.01),而现代笼养鸡(京白)腿肌的粗脂肪含量最高;河北柴鸡胸肌与现代笼养鸡(京白)腿肌间灰分含量呈现极显著差异(P<0.01),而现代笼养鸡(京白)胸肌和腿肌间灰分含量差异同样达到了极显著水平(P<0.01);在钙和磷含量上,四种肌肉间不存在明显差异(P>0.05)。鸡肉中氨基酸总量的大小顺序为:河北柴鸡胸肌>现代笼养鸡(京白)胸肌>河北柴鸡腿肌>现代笼养鸡(京白)腿肌,肌苷酸含量的高低顺序为:河北柴鸡胸肌(1.965mg/g)、现代笼养鸡(京白)胸肌(1.637mg/g)、河北柴鸡腿肌(1.185mg/g)、现代笼养鸡(京白)腿肌(0.868mg/g)。综合比较河北柴鸡与现代笼养鸡(京白)胸肌和腿肌间肌纤维直径与密度大小,结果表明,河北柴鸡胸肌的肌纤维直径最小,肌纤维密度最大,嫩度最好。河北柴鸡蛋与现代笼养鸡(京白)在全蛋

【Abstract】 In this experiment we studied for the growth and production quality of Hebei Domestic chicks under the free range rearing conditions. This experiment included four departments, the first: we designed three different gross lands, group I (cotton and clover land ), II (orchard and clover land), III (orchard and weed land ) .We choosed the first-day chicks and reared consolidate, three groups reared with uniform assorted feeds within 0-5 weeks. Disperse from sixth week, and group I reared with corn and adjusts following the growth. Group II limited the amounts of feeds which makes the chicks into half-famine. GroupIIIreared enough corns in feeding prophase till eighth week, reared restrainedly from eighth week and stopped feeding at thirteenth week till the end of the experiment. The results indicated, the best growth performance was group I of Hebei Domestic chicks(cocks and hens), group II was the worst. The growth curves kept accord before 5 weeks age, from sixth week, the growth trend kept basically raising of trial I (cocks and hens) in the period of 6~8weeks and declined about 13week, but the growth trend kept slowly raising of trial II. The growth trend kept raising in the period of 6~8weeks and declined after 8 week, further more the growth and development declined badly after 14 week. The second department is: contrast with the Cage (Jingbai) chicks, we choose 8 respectively from Hebei Domestic cocks and the Cage cocks at 130 days and weigh up behind 12 hours of breaking feeds. We release blood from mouth and butcher, we determine the index of the butcher. Further more we choose 20 eggs respectively from Hebei Domestic-eggs and the Jingbai Cage-eggs about 300 days and analyze nutrient component. The results indicate: The ability of producing meat on the Cage chicks is better than Domestic chicks, its weigh, slaughter weigh, the weigh of chest muscle, the weigh of leg muscle and the weigh of wing is enhances 24.97% (P<0.01) 、 17.59% (P<0.01) 、 20.29% (P<0.01) 、 30.63 % (P<0.01) and 25.51 % (P<0.01) than Domestic chicks. The slaughter qualityes of Hebei domestic chicks were better than the cage (Jingbai) chicks. Carcass yield rate、 breast muscle percentage and wing percentage were respective higher than that of the cage chicks about 6.31%(P<0.01)、 5.32% (P>0.05)and 1.10%(P>0.05), further more the percentage of abdominal fat of Hebei domestic chicks was lower than that of the cage chicks about 37.20% (P<0.05 ) . The immune apparatus and digestive system were farther development of Hebei domestic chicks than that of the cage chicks, and Hebei domestic chicks had obvious character which the body was thinner and the head was smaller. Seeing from the nutrient components of chicken, the dry matter rate of breast muscle of Hebei domestic chicks was remarkable higher than that of the cage (Jingbai) chicks (P<0.05 ) and compared to hindquater muscle of Hebei domestic chicks and breast muscle of the cage (Jingbai) chicks, the difference was not significant (P>0.05) . The protein content of breast muscle of Hebei domestic chicks was highest and the lowest was hindquater muscle of the cage(Jingbai) chicks. The fat content of breast muscle of Hebei domestic chicks was greatly

  • 【分类号】S831.4
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】316

